Kem is a Python 3 based Programm to manage your Mods. You can add and remove mods to your libary and install and uninstall them afterwards.
When you uninstall a mod it will only remove files which are only in the dependencys of this mod. so you can easily uninstall mods without watching out for dependencies of other mods.
Step by step tutorial:
- a) use "kme add <modname> <file1> <file2>" with all files which are needed for this mod as argument* b) use "kme add <modname>" without an argument to open the folder and drag all files in there* *if the mod depends on another mod put it also into there
- use "kme install <modname>" to install it
add <modname> <file1> <file2> ... - adds mod with these files
add <modname> - adds mods and open modfolder in your Fileexplorer
remove <modname> - removes mod
install <modname>
uninstall <modname>
list - list all added mods
installed - list all installed mods