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Tags: korallin/faraday



Toggle v3.19.0's commit message
 * ADD v3 bulks endpoints DELETE and EDIT (PATCH)

 * Add logs of loggin, logout and log error to main log
 * Fix bug in bulk update for m2m fields
 * ADD clear settings command
 * Add open medium, high and critical vulns histogram
 * Fix integrity constraint error on cve update
 * FIX static content for react
 * Add cvss within vulnerability model
 * add check to see if workspace name is longer than 250 characters. In that case raises an error
 * change concat in urlstrings for join or urljoin
 * Add cve to csv export


Toggle v3.18.1's commit message
Fix CVE issue


Toggle v3.18.0's commit message
 * Remove attachments in vulns filter endpoint

 * Add open and confirmed vulns in workspace stats
 * Add migration disabling several notifications.
 * Add user id to session API endpoint
 * Add cve to vulnerability model
 * Change funcs to views
 * FIX report import
 * Add `last_run_agent_date` field to workspace endpoint
 * Fix cve parsing in `vulnerability create` and `bulk create`
 * ADD check if postgres db is running during server start
 * Fix order_by in filters api
 * Fix 500 status code with invalid executor arguments


Toggle v3.17.1's commit message
 * FIX bug when starting the server, creates a pool for reporting tha…

…t breaks.


Toggle v3.17.0's commit message
 * ADD `--data` parameter to `faraday-manage settings`

 * MOD Process report files in a separate process
 * MOD Make `bulk_create` requests asynchronous


Toggle v3.16.1's commit message
 * MOD only show settings of this version in faraday-manage settings

 * FIX update minimum version of click dependency


Toggle v3.16.0's commit message
 * BREAKING CHANGE: API V2 discontinued

 * BREAKING CHANGE: Changed minimum version of python to 3.7
 * ADD agent parameters has types (protocol with agent and its APIs)
 * ADD move settings from `` to a db model
 * ADD (optional) query logs
 * MOD new threads management
 * MOD vulnerabilities' endpoint no longer loads evidence unless requested with `get_evidence=true`
 * FIX now it is not possible to create workspace of name "filter"
 * FIX bug with dates in the future
 * FIX bug with click 8
 * FIX bug using --port command
 * FIX endpoints returning 500 as status code
 * REMOVE the need tom CSRF token from evidence upload api


Toggle v3.15.0's commit message
 * ADD `Basic Auth` support

 * ADD support for GET method in websocket_tokens, POST will be deprecated in the future
 * ADD CVSS(String), CWE(String), CVE(relationship) columns to vulnerability model and API
 * ADD agent token's API says the renewal cycling duration
 * MOD Improve database model to be able to delete workspaces fastly
 * MOD Improve code style and uses (less flake8 exceptions, py3 `super` style, Flask app as singleton, etc)
 * MOD workspaces' names regex to verify they cannot contain forward slash (`/`)
 * MOD Improve bulk create logs
 * FIX Own schema breaking Marshmallow 3.11.0+
 * UPD flask_security_too to version 4.0.0+


Toggle v3.14.4's commit message
 * Updated plugins package, which update appscan plugin


Toggle v3.14.3's commit message


This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
EricHorvat Eric Horvat
[UPD] FIX Old version changelog