Skin backport for 1.7.10, hopefully the definitive one
Raw Input mod for Minecraft 1.12.2 using JInput
Приложение локально запускает ByeDPI и перенаправляет весь трафик через него
App to bypass censorship on Android
Unofficial version of Geckolib for 1.7.10 version
GTNewHorizons / Railcraft
Forked from Railcraft/RailcraftThe Railcraft Mod for Minecraft, source and development.
GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)
DrParadox7 / Wizardry
Forked from glowredman/WizardrySource code for Electroblob's Wizardry, a Minecraft mod about magic, exploration and adventure. Open-source so other aspiring wizards (a.k.a. programmers 😎) can see the real magic! ✨ Just want to d…
Notepad++ official repository
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant Notepad++ theme.
If you catch all the references in the mod ill give you a cherry pie
Lets you tweak and disable various parts of vanilla and BoP worldgen (1.7.10)
kotmatross28729 / BugTorch
Forked from jss2a98aj/BugTorchBug-fixes for Minecraft 1.7.10
kotmatross28729 / Botania
Forked from GTNewHorizons/BotaniaA magic themed tech mod for Minecraft based on nature and plant life.
It will break everything it touches
A mod that adds more compatibility with shaders (1.7.10).
A mod that adds lightsabers from Star Wars, but now works with shaders.
A mod that adds a health bar to mobs, but now works with shaders.
Continuation of the Enviromine mod with some changes (but most of all, compatibility with Hbm's Nuclear Tech Mod)
Just a continuation of DangerRPG for 1.7.10
quentin452 / wildmobs
Forked from teamhollow/wildmobsFork of Wild Mobs minecraft mod
just a fork of Infernal Mobs for 1.7.10