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html5press is a theme for WordPress based on a design by Jesper.


I thought Jesper's stuff looked nice, and no WordPress theme existed yet based on his HTML5 template. So here this is. Really though, most of the credit goes to Jesper, without his work this theme would not exist.


You can find a demo here and a screenshot below.

HTML5Press Screenshot


  1. Archive Page: There's a page template called Archives. Don't enter any page content, just title the page and select Archives for the page template. The archives will be generated automatically. See here for an example.

  2. Link Post Format: To utilize the link Post Format, simply write a new post and select "Link" for the format. You'll also need to add a custom field with the URL you want to link to. The custom field name should be LinkFormatURL and the custom field value should be the URL you want to link to.

  3. Quote Post Format: When using this post format, I usually use the author or source as the post title, and then put the quote inside a blockquote for the actual post content.

  4. Status Post Format: Just put your status as the post title and publish (make sure you select the status format!). No post content is necessary.

  5. Maintenance Mode: This option lets you show a "maintenance" message to visitors who aren't logged in. This can be useful while making changes to your website or while tinkering with HTML5Press. Just don't forget to disable it when you're done or your visitors won't see your site!

Other Considerations

A majority of the images included in HTML5Press are from the iconic icon set by P.J. Onori. Images from Iconic are the tag, sticky post identifier, link post format identifier, status post format identifier, quote post format identifier and left and right arrows. I will likely use more images from Iconic as I add additional features/post formats to HTML5Press.