Interesting things going on...
node-oidc-provider Public
Forked from panva/node-oidc-providerOpenID Certified™ OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server implementation for Node.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 10, 2023 -
laravel-validator Public
An Extended Laravel Validator with many useful additional rules!
jose Public
Forked from panva/joseUniversal "JSON Web Almost Everything" - JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK with no dependencies
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 15, 2021 -
laravel-repository Public
An abstraction layer for easily implementing industry-standard caching strategies
meat-industry-correlations Public
A machine-learning model written in Python for searching correlations between Ambiental Issues and the Meat Indistry
Python UpdatedApr 1, 2020 -
laravel-mongodb Public
Forked from mongodb/laravel-mongodbA MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent)
PHP MIT License UpdatedMar 29, 2020