Installing infinitude on OrangePi Zero
Using a usb rs485 adapter
Use the Ubuntu image... I initiaaly did desktop, but then tried the server image Orangepizero2_3.0.6_ubuntu_jammy_server_linux5.16.17.7z
The Orange Pi OS did not work - wifi did not work.
Image a card boot to it connect via ethernet ssh (Putty) use orangepi-config set time zone enable wifi disable ethernet apt update && apt upgrade && apt autoremove
install Infinitude on OrangePi using Raspberry Pi instructions here:
create config file /infinitude/infinitude.json
got some errors when running via command line... "XMLin() requires either XML::SAX or XML::Parser at ./infinitude line 161" installed libxml-parser-perl
apt install libxml-parser-perl
set up service... nano /etc/systemd/system/infinitude.service
enable the service systemctl enable infinitude
set thermostat proxy to the ip of the orange pi
set infinitude config in home assistant to the ip of the orange pi