- A simple shopping cart API. It includes a rest api to interact with shopping carts and items.
- A proxy api framework to communicate with the api from C# applications
- A DesktopClient to showcase how to use the proxy framework.
Run database creation:
dotnet build && (cd ./src/Shopping.Database/ && dotnet ef database update)
Run xUnit Tests:
dotnet build && ( cd ./src/Shopping.UnitTest/ && dotnet xunit )
Run WebApi:
dotnet build && (cd ./src/Shopping.Webapi/ && dotnet run)
Run DesktopClient:
dotnet build && (cd ./src/Shopping.DesktopClient/ && dotnet run)
- Unit tests for proxy project
- Cleanup ProxyHttpClient
- Extract configs for project to appsettings.json
- Add cake build script to project