I am supposed to build a REST API as mentioned in one assignment spec.
I am supposed to use Java to build this backend.
I used this evaluation as an opportunity to learn SparkJava instead of using Spring or SpringBoot.
SparkJava is a Micro Framework built on the same lines of Nodejs.
I used Sql2O another small library to run direct queries on JDBC complaint databases. It is very fast (2nd only to resultsets.) compared to other ORMs.
I have deployed this application on DigitalOcean droplet.
I used the cm-quiz gem to test this app. It looks like this.
C:\Users\Krishna Chaitanya P>cm-quiz test --endpoint= Start test please wait... endpoint: score: 100.0 7 examples, 0 failures
P.S : DigitalOcean droplets are easy targets for hackers, so I see droplets going down frequently. If you see that url is down mail me at [email protected] so that I can bring it up again.