推广: 欢迎关注 网易云课堂·光谷码农课堂
Ending's law: "Any application that can be compiled to WebAssembly, will be compiled to WebAssembly eventually."
蚂蚁金服招聘云原生方向和编程语言方向岗位(杭州/P7):云原生方向要求熟悉k8s配套工具,如kubectl、kustomize、kubebuilder,operator;编程语言方向要求对语言对语言解释器(如py/js/lua/wasm等)、工具链、配套SDK有一定兴趣和实践经验。欢迎各位同学咨询或推荐(推荐成功独享全额推荐红包)。联系方式 [email protected], [email protected]
- WebAssembly QQ群:726475047
- 有深度或时效性的单篇或系列非转载的原创或翻译文章
- Github上类似awesome系列的集合类或列表类项目必须:WebAssembly强相关的,至少100个star
- https://webassembly.org
- https://www.w3.org/TR/wasm-core-1
- https://www.w3.org/TR/wasm-js-api-1
- https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/issues
- https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/index.html
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebAssembly
- WebAssembly Specification Release 1.0 (PDF)
- Mechanising and Verifying the WebAssembly Specification(PDF)
- Bringing the Web up to Speed with WebAssembly(PDF)
- https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebAssembly
- https://www.zhihu.com/question/290521651
- https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/klv2lq-VJcHA8WPXDUtNlQ
- https://twitter.com/chaishushan/status/1029924713609363458
- 浏览器中的放大镜: https://chai2010.cn/awesome-wasm-zh/examples/hello-sdl/
- 浏览器跑C语言: https://chai2010.cn/awesome-wasm-zh/examples/c4/
- WebAssembly标准入门 - 人民邮电出版社, 49元, 配套视频课程
- C/C++面向WebAssembly编程 - 开源图书, 已完稿
- WebAssembly friendly programming with C/C++ - 英文
- Learn WebAssembly - 英文
- Programming WebAssembly with Rust - 英文
- WebAssembly in Action - 英文
- https://github.com/LuisHsu/WasmVM
- https://github.com/AndrewScheidecker/WAVM
- https://github.com/rianhunter/wasmjit
- http://github.com/go-interpreter/wagon
- https://github.com/perlin-network/life
- https://github.com/akupila/go-wasm
- https://github.com/tsavola/wag
- http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/
- https://wiki.dlang.org/Generating_WebAssembly_with_LDC
- https://github.com/rianhunter/wasmjit
- https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/WebAssembly
- Getting started into Go and WebAssembly
- https://tip.golang.org/pkg/syscall/js/
- https://github.com/dave/wasmgo
Java & Kotlin
- https://github.com/i-net-software/JWebAssembly
- https://superkotlin.com/kotlin-and-webassembly/
- https://github.com/konsoletyper/teavm
- https://github.com/rustwasm
- https://github.com/rustwasm/book
- Making WebAssembly better for Rust & for all languages
- V8 & WebAssembly
- 模拟Window 2000系统:
- .NET UI framework
- Unity3D
- Python
- eBay实战WebAssembly:50倍性能提升
- How we run KrakenD on Javascript with WebAssembly
- Writing a Frontend Web Framework with WebAssembly And Go
- Getting Started With Qt for WebAssembly
- WebAssembly的静态手动逆向分析, 英文
- 用idawasm IDA Pro逆向WebAssembly模块, 英文
- Go and wasm: generating and executing wasm with Go
- 为什么我们相信 Wasm 可用作分布式应用开发的基础层
- I ported my Gameboy Color emulator to WebAssembly
- WebAssembly Cephes – Mathematical special functions in JavaScript
- Go WebAssembly — Building a Calculator Tutorial
- Go 1.11: WebAssembly for the gophers
- Go1.11和WebAssembly
- WebAssembly: How and why
- Getting started into Go and WebAssembly
- Ray Tracing: WebAssembly vs JavaScript
- The future of WebAssembly
- Life: A secure, blazing-fast, cross-platform WebAssembly VM in Go
- Haxe, WebAssembly, TypeScript, Dart performance benchmark
- Vim Wasm – Vim Editor Ported To WebAssembly