This is a simple program which prices a European call option using a Monte Carlo simulation written in C++.
This project provides a C++ implementation for pricing European call options using both Monte Carlo simulation and the Black-Scholes analytical formula. The program calculates and compares the option prices obtained from these two methods to ensure accuracy.
- C++11 or later
- A C++ compiler like
- main.cpp: The main program file that runs the Monte Carlo simulation and Black-Scholes analytical pricing, and prints the results.
- MonteCarloCallPrice.h: Header file containing the Monte Carlo simulation function for pricing European call options.
- AnalyticalCallPrice.h: Header file containing the Black-Scholes analytical formula function for pricing European call options.
- CoreFuncs.h: Header file containing core utility functions, including the cumulative normal distribution function.
Compile the program:
g++ -o OptionPricer main.cpp -std=c++11
Run the program:
- spot: The current stock price (e.g., 100.0)
- strike: The strike price of the option (e.g., 100.0)
- rate: The risk-free interest rate (e.g., 0.05 for 5%)
- volatility: The volatility of the underlying stock (e.g., 0.2 for 20%)
- time: The time to maturity in years (e.g., 1.0 for one year)
- num_simulations: The number of Monte Carlo simulations to run (e.g., 10000)
These parameters can be adjusted within the main.cpp
double monte_carlo_call_price(double spot, double strike, double rate, double volatility, double time, int N) {
// setup random number generator
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::normal_distribution<> d(0,1);
// store payoffs in a vector
std::vector<double> payoffs;
// mc
for (int i=0; i<N; ++i) {
double z = d(gen);
double spot_at_maturity = spot * std::exp((rate - 0.5 * volatility * volatility) * time + volatility * std::sqrt(time) * z);
double payoff = european_call_payoff(spot_at_maturity, strike);
// calculate average payoff and discout it back to current value
double average_payoff = std::accumulate(payoffs.begin(), payoffs.end(), 0.0) / N;
return std::exp(-rate * time) * average_payoff;
- Generates multiple simulated future stock prices using geometric Brownian motion.
- Calculates the payoff for each simulation.
- Computes the average payoff and discounts it to the present value to obtain the option price.
double black_scholes_call_price(double spot, double strike, double rate, double volatility, double time) {
double d1 = (std::log(spot / strike) + (rate + 0.5 * volatility * volatility) * time) / (volatility * std::sqrt(time));
double d2 = d1 - volatility * std::sqrt(time);
double call_price = spot * normal_cdf(d1) - strike * std::exp(-rate * time) * normal_cdf(d2);
return call_price;
- Uses the Black-Scholes formula to calculate the theoretical price of a European call option.
- Provides an analytical solution based on input parameters.
double european_call_payoff(double spot, double strike) {
return std::max(spot - strike, 0.0);
Returns the payoff for a European call option at maturity.
// typecast round value function
float cast_round(float num) {
float val = (int)(num * 100 + .5);
return (float)val / 100;
Returns a value to 2 decimal places, used in outputting error percentage.
// calculate cumulative normal distribution
double normal_cdf(double value) {
return 0.5 * std::erfc(-value * M_SQRT1_2);
Returns the cumulative normal distribution of a value.
The program will output three values:
- The Monte Carlo estimate
- The analytical solution using the Black-Scholes formula
- The percentage error between the two, to 2 decimal places
- The accuracy of the Monte Carlo simulation improves with an increasing number of simulations.
- Ensure the parameters are set to realistic values to obtain meaningful results.
- The Black-Scholes formula assumes continuous compounding and constant volatility.