- Python 3
- requests
Create a new Python file and add these lines:
from telegram_bot import Telegram_Bot, command, inline, inline_callback, chosen_inline, checked
token = '' # Bot API token here
bot = Telegram_Bot(token)
send = bot.sender
# define functions here
if __name__ == '__main__':
Replace your API token with the one you got from BotFather for your bot - if you don't have one - refer to Telegram Bot documentation to set up your bot first.
Methods of the Send
def message(self, chat_id, message_text, reply_markup=None):
def message_reply(self, chat_id, message_text, message_id, reply_markup=None):
def markdown(self, chat_id, message_text, reply_markup=None):
def markdown_reply(self, chat_id, message_text, message_id):
def action(self, chat_id, bot_action):
def send_photo(self, chat_id, filename, disable_notification=False):
def send_document(self, chat_id, filename):
def inline_response(self, query_id, answer):
def answer_callback_query(self, callback_query_id, message_text=None, show_alert=False):
def edit_message(self, text, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, parse_mode=None, reply_markup=None):
def edit_message_markup(self, chat_id=None, message_id=None, inline_message_id=None, reply_markup=None):
Refer to Telegram Bot documentation](https://core.telegram.org/bots) for more information.
Telegram bots use slash-commands (/somecommand
). To register a function to handle an incoming message with a specific /command
# All messages starting with '/addreminder' will be sent to this function
def add_reminder(message):
# more code here
Similarly, we can register functions to handle inline queries.
def inline_markdown(inline_query, inline_response):
inline_response.add_article('Markdownise', 'Send formatted text', inline_query.text, 'Markdown')
def inline_currency(inline_query, inline_response):
text = inline_query.text
if inline_query.argument_count == 1 and len(text) == 6:
inline_response.add_article('Currency', 'Convert ' + text[:3].upper() + ' to ' + text[3:].upper(), currency.get_rate(text))
elif inline_query.argument_count == 2 and len(inline_query.get_arguments()[1]) == 6:
amount = inline_query.get_arguments()[0]
quote = inline_query.get_arguments()[1]
inline_response.add_article('Currency', \
'Convert ' + amount + ' ' + quote[:3].upper() + ' to ' + quote[3:].upper(), \
currency.get_rate(quote, amount))
except ValueError:
Functions registered with checked
will be called at the end of each iteration (getting new updates from the API, processing the updates). In the Reminder.py
example, we use this to see if the bot has any pending reminders to be sent.
def check_reminders():
reminders_copy = list(reminders)
for reminder in reminders_copy: # avoid array size change during iteration -> error
if (reminder.is_passed()):
send.markdown(reminder.chat_id, "Reminder for @{}:\n{}".format(reminder.sender, reminder.text))
# save updated reminders to file
with open('reminders.json', 'w') as f:
x = []
for reminder in reminders:
json.dump(x, f)
A sample Telegram reminders bot is included (Reminder.py