#docker-compose for actionml/Prediction.IO
This is an updated docker-compose for having a working stack of Prediction.IO. Based on ActionML / Prediction.IO branch.
After cloning the repo, make sure you run:
git submodule init
git submodule update
This will download the git submodule for the Universal Recommender Template that will be used for testing.
- pio
- elasticsearch
- hbase
- spark
Optionally, after building, for running test to make sure the stack is working, you'll need the following after building the images:
- pip (in user space inside pio image), and additionally:
- virtualenv
- preditionio
- datetime
- Universal Recommender Template (https://github.com/actionml/template-scala-parallel-universal-recommendation.git)
For building the stack, just run:
docker-compose build
or if you want a named stack:
docker-compose -p NameForStack build
Grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage, since this might take a while.
To start the stack just use:
docker-compose up -d
or, if building with an specific name for the stack:
docker-compose -p NameForStack up -d
for debugging purposes, if you want to see the logs, you can use:
docker-compose logs -f
or if using named stack:
docker-compose -p NameForStack logs -f
You can also specify a specific component stack to see, for example:
docker-compose logs -f pio
docker-compose logs -f hbase
docker-compose logs -f elasticsearch
See https://d.evops.pw/dockerized-prediction-io/ for info on how to test and detailed explanation.