Command Line Utility for interacting with fastly
npm install --save-dev @financial-times/fastly-tools
fastly [options] [command]
deploy [options] [folder]
Deploys VCL in [folder] to the specified fastly service. Requires FASTLY_APIKEY env var
-h, --help output usage information
Deploys VCL in [folder] to the specified fastly service. Requires FASTLY_APIKEY env var
Usage: deploy [options] [folder]
-h, --help output usage information
-m, --main <main> Set the name of the main vcl file (the entry point). Defaults to "main.vcl"
-v, --vars <vars> A way of injecting environment vars into the VCL. So if you pass --vars AUTH_KEY,FOO the values {$AUTH_KEY} and ${FOO} in the vcl will be replaced with the values of the environmemnt variable. If you include SERVICEID it will be populated with the current --service option
-e, --env Load environment variables from local .env file (use when deploying from a local machine
-s, --service <service> REQUIRED. The ID of the fastly service to deploy to.
-V --verbose Verbose log output
-b --backends <backends> Upload the backends specified in <backends> via the api
-k --api-keys <keys> list of alternate api keys to try should the key stored in process.env.FASTLY_API_KEY hit its rate limit