Hand Drawn signature generator for Canvas HTML element. Allows to generate the a unique signature from a string or generate a random signature.
This draw a stroke based on generated points and curves. This is NOT based on fonts.
yarn add handwrite-signature
handDrawnSign(myCanvas, 'jhonMyers')
results in
const cvs = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement>(null); // <canvas ref={cvs} /> somewhere
useEffect( () => {
var gradient = cvs?.current?.getContext("2d")?.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 170, 0);
if (gradient){
gradient.addColorStop(0, "magenta");
gradient.addColorStop(0.5 ,"blue");
gradient.addColorStop(1.0, "red");
handDrawnSign(cvs.current, "kaysersoze8", {lineWidth:2, strokeStyle : gradient, controlPointProportion: 1.7, usableProportionArea:0.7 })
} , [] )
results in
Just call function handDrawnSign with a canvas Element, a string for signature generation (or undefinded for Random ) and optional configuration.
controlPointProportion configures the amplitude of the strokes, so at a very large amplitude the usableProportionArea must be reduced so that the strokes do not come out of the canvas.
Default values are conservative = { controlPointProportion: 1.3, usableProportionArea:0.5 }