Calendar iOS is a very simple calendar/date picker component for your iOS apps based on UICollectionView and 2 layouts.
v 0.0.5
- Support iphone 5, 6, 6Plus layout
- Fixed Xcode 6
- Fixed 64bits warnings
v 0.0.3
- Fixed section number (number of months between two dates)
- update app localization
v 0.0.2
- Implementation of horizontal scrollDirection
v 0.0.1
- Draft version
- Earliest supported deployment target - iOS 6.0
pod 'CalendarIOS7'
CALAgendaViewController *agendaVc = [CALAgendaViewController new];
agendaVc.calendarScrollDirection = UICollectionViewScrollDirectionHorizontal;
agendaVc.agendaDelegate = self;
[agendaVc setFromDate:fromDate];
[agendaVc setToDate:toDate];
#Select cell style
agendaVc.dayStyle = CALDayCollectionViewCellDayUIStyleIOS7;
Or subclassing CALAgendaViewController (don't forget your CollectionView outlet CALAgendaCollectionView)
CALAgendaViewController *agendaVc = [CALAgendaViewController new];
agendaVc.calendarScrollDirection = UICollectionViewScrollDirectionHorizontal;
agendaVc.agendaDelegate = self;
[agendaVc setFromDate:fromDate];
[agendaVc setToDate:toDate];
#Select cell style
agendaVc.dayStyle = CALDayCollectionViewCellDayUIStyleIOS7;
- (void)agendaCollectionView:(CALAgendaCollectionView *)agendaCollectionView didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath selectedDate:(NSDate *)selectedDate;
- (BOOL)agendaCollectionView:(CALAgendaCollectionView *)agendaCollectionView canSelectDate:(NSDate *)selectedDate;
- (void)agendaCollectionView:(CALAgendaCollectionView *)agendaCollectionView didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath startDate:(NSDate *)startDate endDate:(NSDate*)endDate;
If events are availble, cell can be customize to present this state. The calendar view controller can get a array of events. Events have just to implement this protocol.
@protocol CALgendaEvent <NSObject>
- (NSDate *)eventStartDate;
- (NSDate *)eventEndDate;
- (NSString *)eventName;
- Improve genericity and customization of cells,
- Hours selection is a draft version .. so i'have to finish it :)