Create a naive implementation of the classic minesweeper game
with the javascript programming language and the react library.
Create basic react application from the template provided:
thenpx create-react-app minesweeper
command and its magic (status: done). -
Create visual react components representing all main parts
of the application's UI (status: in progress).Intermediate goals:
1.1 Style these components with CSS (status: done),
1.2 Handle (at the very basic level) user generated events
e.g.: 'left click' - open the cell, 'right click' - mark/unmark the cell (status: done).1.3 Present the designed UI as the website (status: done).
Provide the game logic (status: planned)
2.1 Open all the empty (with 0/zero 'bombs' in the neighborhood) cells adjacent to the clicked one and their neighbors,
2.2 Present to the user the number of 'bombs' located next to the open cells (status: done).
Provide the 'status area' logic (status: planned)
3.1 Timer,
3.2 Marked 'bombs' counter (status: done),
3.3 'New game/Reset' button.
Other improvements (status: planned).