Note: Please run phase 1 task 2 first to cretea descripter database before running any of the following tasks.
-p PATH: The path of labeled images.
-unp PATH: The path of unlabeled images.
-k K: The top k of latent semantics.
-t TABLE: The name of table used to store image features.
-meta PATH: The path of metadata for labeled images.
-test(optional) Test mode: The program will print the accuracy, the meta has to be the complete one.
python -p ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/Labelled/Set1 -unp ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/Unlabelled/Set\ 1 -k 30 -t task12 -meta ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/labelled_set1.csv
-p PATH: The path of labeled images.
-unp PATH: The path of unlabeled images.
-k K: The top k of latent semantics.
-c CLUSTER: The number of clusters.
-t TABLE: The name of table used to store image features.
-meta PATH: The path of metadata for labeled images.
-test(optional) Test mode: The program will print the accuracy, the meta has to be the complete one.
-k(optional) # of latent semantics: The default value is 10. It is usually set in test mode to show the effect of k.
python -p ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/Labelled/Set1/ -unp ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/Unlabelled/Set\ 1/ -k 50 -c 5 -t task12 -meta ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/labelled_set1.csv
-k K: The number of outgoing edges.
-lk K: Most K dominant images.
-t TABLE: The name of table used to store image features.
-i PATH: The path of input folder.
-lst ID1,ID2,ID3: The ID of 3 query images.
python -k 10 -lk 5 -t set2 -i ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/Labelled/Set2/ -lst Hand_0008333.jpg,Hand_0006183.jpg,Hand_0000074.jpg
Some arguments for task4:
-c CLASSIFIER: The classifier will be used.
- svm(Support Vector Machine)
- dtree(Decision Tree)
- ppr(Personalized Page Rank)
-m MODEL(optional):
- cm(color moment)
- lbp(local binary pattern)
- hog(histograms of oriented gradients)
- sift(scale-invariant feature transform)
-t TABLE(optional): The name that has been used when creating descriptor database.
-ut TABLE(optional): the unlabeled table.
-k K(optional) the number of latent semantics.
-d METHOD(optional): The method will be used to reduce dimensions.
- svd(Singular value decomposition)
- pca(Principal component analysis)
- lda(Latent Dirichlet allocation)
- nmf(Non-negative matrix factorization)
-l PATH(optional): labeled image folder path
-u PATH(optional): unlabeled image folder path
-meta PATH(.csv)(optional): the path of metadata for labeled images.
-tmeta PATH(.csv)(optional): for unlabeled / test images folder. This is optional. If we can provide test label metadata, this task will show the accuracy.
-limg PATH(optional): Labled raw image path if you do not want to use feature extraction.
-uimg PATH(optional): Unlabeled raw image path if you do not want to use feature extraction.
--svm_pretrained(optional): SVM will save its weight to svm/ folder.
--svm_pretrained PATH(optional): SVM will load the weight and will NOT adjust its weight later.
- Load image features and labels for labeled data / unlabeled data.
- Use PCA as dimension reduction with k = 20.
python -c svm -m hog -t set1 -d pca -k 20 -ut tSet1 -meta ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/labelled_set1.csv -tmeta ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/unlabelled_set1.csv
- Load raw image file and labels for labeld data / unlabeled data.
- Use SVD as dimension reduction with k = 100
python -c svm -meta ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/labelled_set1.csv -limg ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/Labelled/Set1 -uimg ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/Unlabelled/Set\ 1/ -tmeta ~/hw/cse515_data/phase3_sample_data/Unlabelled/unlablled_set1.csv -d svd -k 100
-l LAYERS: The number of layers.
-k HASHES: The number of hashes per layer.
-i ID: The ID of query image.
-t T: The number of most similar images.
-tb TABLE: The name of table used to store image features.
-d METHOD: The method will be used to reduce dimensions.
-dir PATH: The path of images.
--visualize_vector(optional): Visualize the feature vectors.
python -l 5 -k 10 -t 20 -i Hand_0000674 -tb 11k -d hog -dir ~/hw/cse515_data/Hands/
Please run first before
-c CLASSIFIER: The classifier will be used.
-m MODEL: The model of image feature will be used.
-t TABLE: The name of table used to store image features.
-d METHOD: The method will be used to reduce dimension.
-k K: The top k latent semantics.
In task6, the there are prompts as user to input r(relevant), i(irrelevant), or ?(do not know).
python -c svm -m cavg -d pca -k 20 -t 11k
Give input filepath with argument -i, use color moments with argument -m, and store to table "test".
python -i ~/hw/cse515_data/CSE\ 515\ Fall19\ -\ Smaller\ Dataset -m cm -t test