k9s Public
Forked from derailed/k9s🐶 Kubernetes CLI To Manage Your Clusters In Style!
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 14, 2020 -
argo-cd Public
Forked from argoproj/argo-cdDeclarative continuous deployment for Kubernetes.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 13, 2020 -
cortex Public
Forked from cortexproject/cortexA horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant, long term Prometheus.
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 13, 2020 -
runc Public
Forked from opencontainers/runcCLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 13, 2020 -
reg Public
Forked from genuinetools/regDocker registry v2 command line client and repo listing generator with security checks.
Go MIT License UpdatedApr 12, 2020 -
tgik Public
Forked from vmware-archive/tgikOfficial repository for TGI Kubernetes (TGIK)!
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 10, 2020 -
stern Public
Forked from rimusz-lab/stern⎈ Multi pod and container log tailing for Kubernetes
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 3, 2020 -
go-build-template Public
Forked from thockin/go-build-templateA Makefile/Dockerfile example for Go projects.
Makefile Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 25, 2020 -
sloop Public
Forked from salesforce/sloopKubernetes History Visualization
Go BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 13, 2020 -
weather Public
Forked from genuinetools/weatherWeather via the command line.
Go MIT License UpdatedMar 12, 2020 -
img Public
Forked from genuinetools/imgStandalone, daemon-less, unprivileged Dockerfile and OCI compatible container image builder.
Go MIT License UpdatedJan 24, 2020 -
bane Public
Forked from genuinetools/baneCustom & better AppArmor profile generator for Docker containers.
Go MIT License UpdatedJan 12, 2020 -
kubectl-ns Public
Forked from postfinance/kubectl-nsSimple kubectl plugin to display/switch namespaces
Go MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2020 -
contained.af Public
Forked from genuinetools/contained.afA stupid game for learning about containers, capabilities, and syscalls.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 23, 2019 -
certok Public
Forked from genuinetools/certokCommand line tool to check the validity and expiration dates of SSL certificates.
Go MIT License UpdatedNov 20, 2019 -
kube-csr Public
Forked from JulienBalestra/kube-csrGenerate, submit, approve, fetch, renew and purge certificates in Kubernetes
Go Other UpdatedAug 26, 2018