Tags: kumarajit/mosby
- Delegates: Renaming `ViewStateSupport` and `ViewStateManager` to `M… …vpViewStateDelegateCallback`. Introduced other delegates like `ActivityMvpDeleage`, `FragmentMvpDelegate`, `ViewGroupMvpDelegate`, `ActivityMvpViewStateDelegate`, `FragmentMvpViewStateDelegate` and `ViewGroupMvpViewStateDelegate` - Because of new Delegates a minor migration must be done: - `MvpViewStateFragment`, `MvpFragment` and `MvpViewStateActivity´ and `MvpActivity` have now to generic parameters: <MvpView, MvpPresenter> - `createPresenter()` method must be `public` (instead of `protected`) - Introducing MVP and ViewState support for `ViewGroup`s like `FrameLayout` etc. - Slightly changes the internal way of how `RestoreableViewState` works - Updated to latest `FragmentArgs` version `2.1.0`