in progress...
Ecto adapter for ClickHouse database using clickhousex driver.
Whis fork is rewritten to use Ecto 3.1.4
and DBConnection 2.0
for support of Row binary clickhousex format which is faster and more compact. This fork also provides changes and fixes for issues with migrations and clickhousex compatability (i.e. array altering)
The package can be installed
by adding clickhouse_ecto
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
defp deps do
{:clickhouse_ecto, git: "", branch: "master"}
Add configuration for your repo like this:
config :example_app, ExampleApp.ClickHouseRepo,
adapter: ClickhouseEcto,
loggers: [Ecto.LogEntry],
hostname: "localhost",
port: 8123,
database: "example_app",
username: "user",
password: "654321",
timeout: 60_000,
pool_timeout: 60_000,
ownership_timeout: 60_000,
pool_size: 30
Do not forget to add :clickhouse_ecto
and :clickhousex
(and :telemetry
) to your
def application do
mod: {ExampleApp, []},
applications: [
:clickhousex, :clickhouse_ecto, :telemetry
Example of Ecto model:
defmodule ExampleApp.Click do
use ExampleApp.Web, :model
@primary_key {:date, :date, []}
@timestamps_opts updated_at: false
schema "clicks" do
field :site_id, :integer
field :source, :string
field :ip, :string
field :score, :decimal
field :width, :integer
field :height, :integer
@doc """
Builds a changeset based on the `struct` and `params`.
def changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do
|> cast(params, [:site_id, :source, :ip, :points, :width, :height, :date])
|> validate_required([:date, :site_id])
Due to ClickHouse does not support data update and uniq rows identifiers, do not forget to set primary key field and turn off updated_at timestamp updating:
@primary_key {:date, :date, []}
@timestamps_opts updated_at: false
Example of data migrations:
defmodule ExampleApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateClick do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
create_if_not_exists table(:clicks, engine: "MergeTree(date,(date,inserted_at,source,site_id,ip,score,width,height),8192)") do
add :site_id, :integer, default: 0
add :source, :string, default: ""
add :ip, :string, default: ""
add :score, :float, default: 0.0
add :width, :integer
add :height, :integer
add :date, :date, default: :today
timestamps(updated_at: false)
defmodule ExampleApp.Repo.Migrations.AddUserAgentToClicks do
use Ecto.Migration
def change do
alter table(:clicks) do
add :user_agent, :string
Queries examples:
iex(1)> ExampleApp.Repo.insert %ExampleApp.Click{site_id: 1, date: Ecto.Date.utc, score: 1.1}
[debug] QUERY OK db=7.8ms
INSERT INTO "clicks" ("date","score","site_id","inserted_at") VALUES (?,?,?,?) [{2018, 4, 5}, 1.1, 1, {{2018, 4, 5}, {8, 18, 30, 727360}}]
%ExampleApp.Click{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "clicks">,
date: #Ecto.Date<2018-04-05>, height: nil,
inserted_at: ~N[2018-04-05 08:18:30.727360], ip: nil, score: 1.1, site_id: 1,
source: nil, width: nil}}
iex(2)> ExampleApp.Repo.all ExampleApp.Click
[debug] QUERY OK source="clicks" db=11.8ms
SELECT c0."date", c0."site_id", c0."source", c0."ip", c0."score", c0."width", c0."height", c0."inserted_at" FROM "clicks" AS c0 []
[%ExampleApp.Click{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "clicks">,
date: ~D[2018-04-05], height: 0, inserted_at: ~N[2018-04-05 09:15:42.000000],
ip: "", score: #Decimal<1.1>, site_id: 1, source: "", width: 0}]
Documentation can be found at