#Launch Page
- Website: http://teafueled.com/launch/
- Author: Matthew Loberg
- Author Website: http://mloberg.com/
- License: see license.txt
Launching Soon pages seem to be viral. That's why we made the Launch Page.
Launch Page is a simple php site that lets you host your own launching soon page. It integrates with MailChimp's API to add emails to your MailChimp lists.
##Getting started with Launch Page
- Download and unzip to a directory on your web server
- Upload your logo (less then 400px wide) and a background image (should be at least 1600 x 1200 to prevent pixilation)
- Open up settings.php and change it to fit your site
- Send the link out to your new launch page!
###Getting Your MailChimp API key
Simply go to http://admin.mailchimp.com/account/api
###Get the id of your MailChimp list
- Go to your lists in MailChimp
- Under settings, click list settings and unique id
- The unique id will be at the bottom
Thanks to Daniel Eckermann for the social media icons - http://www.danieleckermann.com/linkdeck/