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Rust Modded Server


A ready to go Rust server which comes pre-modded with uMod (Oxide) and plugins.

Getting up and running:

Mods installed

Mod Version Why
uMod 2.0.4677 Oxide (legacy) modification for the game Rust
Gather Manager 2.2.74 Increases the amount of items gained from gathering resources
Rust Kits 3.2.95 Item kits, autokits, kit cooldowns, and more
Remover Tool 4.3.15 Building and entity removal tool
Welcomer 1.5.1 Provides welcome and join/leave messages
Death Notes 6.3.5 Broadcasts deaths to chat along with detailed information
Time Of Day 2.3.4 Alters the day and night duration
Blueprint Manager 1.1.4 Manage blueprints on your server easily
No Decay 1.0.40 Scales or disables decay of items, and deployables
Heli Control 1.4.0 Manage CH47 and helicopter health, player damage, configure turrets/rockets, and more
Vehicle License 1.6.0 Allows players to buy, spawn and recall: Boat, RHIB, Sedan, HotAirBalloon, MiniCopter and CH47 etc...
Car Commander Lite 0.1.3 Car spawner with added features
Spawn Mini 2.6.3 Spawns a mini helicopter on command
Portable Vehicles 1.0.9 Gives vehicles as item to players
Teleport Gun 0.1.2 Allows teleporting by shooting guns
NTeleportation 1.3.7 Multiple teleportation systems for admin and players
Copy Paste 4.1.22 Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them

Acessing admin menu

Open the console (F1)

Spawn items

Click Items tab up the top and click an item to spawn it

Console commands

Command Value Description
noclip Noclip
god 0-1 Godmode
env.time 0-23 Change time (24 hour time)
global.teleport steamid 64 bit or steam name Teleports you to a player
global.teleport2me steamid 64 bit or steam name Teleports a player to you
weather.clouds 0-1 Change the amount of clouds in the sky
weather.fog 0-1 Change the amount of fog
weather.wind 0-1 Change the amount of wind
weather.rain 0-1 Cange the amount of rain
inventory.giveall item id or item shortname Gives an item to everyone on the server
inventory.givebpall item id or item shortname Gives a blueprint to everyone on the server
inventory.give item id or item shortname Gives you an item
inventory.giveto item id or item shortname steam name Gives an item to a person using steam username
inventory.giveid item id or item shortname steamid 64 bit Gives an item to a person using steam id
inventory.givearm item id or item shortname steam name Gives an item to a persons hotbar
inventory.givebp item id or item shortname steam name Gives a blueprint to a person


Command Value Description Airdrop event
heli.calltome Forces a helicopter to spawn off map and fly to your position Calls in a helicopter to roam the map like normal
heli.strafe steamid 64 bit or steam name Forces helicopter to target a specific player
spawn ch47scientists.entity Spawn and trigger the Chinook 47 helicopter event, crewed by 10 hostile scientist inside


Command Value Description
entity.spawnhere minicopter.entity Spawns a minicopter
entity.spawnhere scraptransporthelicopter Spawns a Scrap Transport Helicopter
entity.spawnhere ch47.entity Spawns a Chinook 47 helicopter
entity.spawnhere hotairballoon Spawns a Hot air balloon
entity.spawnhere rhib Spawns a Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat

Running on Google Cloud

Set your Google Cloud project

gcloud config set project my-project

Create firewall rule

gcloud compute firewall-rules create rust-server \
--allow tcp:28015,tcp:28016,tcp:28082,tcp:80,tcp:443,udp:28015,udp:28016 \
--target-tags rust-server

Create instance

gcloud beta compute instances create <instance-name> \
--project=<project> \
--zone=australia-southeast1-b \
--machine-type=n1-standard-2 \
--subnet=default \
--network-tier=PREMIUM \
--metadata=^,@^MOD_URL=,@RCON_PASSWORD=changeme,@SERVER_NAME=Rust\ Server\|5X\|NoBP\|Kits\|Vehicles\|InstaCraft,@SERVER_DESCRIPTION=A\ Rust\ Server\!\\n\\n5X\ gather,\ No\ BPs,\ No\ Decay,\ Kits,\ Vehicles,\ Instant\ craft,@SERVER_TICKRATE=30,@SERVER_MAP=Barren,@SERVER_SEED=123456,@SERVER_SIZE=3000,@SERVER_DECAY=0,@SERVER_CRAFT_INSTANT=1,@startup-script=echo\ \"Delaying\ for\ 30\ seconds...\"\ \#\&\&\ sleep\ 30\ \&\&\ cd\ /\ \&\&\ / \
--no-restart-on-failure \
--maintenance-policy=TERMINATE \
--scopes=,,,,, \
--tags=rust-server \
--image-family=ubuntu-1804-lts \
--image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
--boot-disk-size=40GB \
--boot-disk-type=pd-standard \
--boot-disk-device-name=<instance-name> \
--no-shielded-secure-boot \
--shielded-vtpm \
--shielded-integrity-monitoring \

SSH to server

gcloud compute ssh <instance-name> \


sudo su
cd / && curl --silent --output "" "" && chmod +x && bash

Stop server

gcloud compute instances stop <instance-name> \
--zone australia-southeast1-b

Start server

gcloud compute instances start <instance-name> \
--zone australia-southeast1-b

Delete server

gcloud compute instances delete <instance-name> \
--zone australia-southeast1-b

Push file to server from local machine

For example:

On local:
gcloud config set project <project>
cd /path/to/folder
gcloud compute scp file.txt root@<instance-name>:/home/steam/rust --zone australia-southeast1-b

On server SSH:
cd /home/steam/rust
chown steam:steam file.txt
chmod 644 file.txt

Turn VM off at 3:30AM every day

SSH into the VM

Switch to root sudo su

Check the timezone your server is running in sudo hwclock --show

Open crontab file nano /etc/crontab

Append to the end of the crontab file 30 3 * * * root shutdown -h now

Save CTRL + X

Running on Linux

Make sure you have 40GB free space.

You can configure the server from the following environment variables (or Custom metadata in Google Cloud):

Variable Default Value Description
SERVER_PORT 28015 Server port
RCON_PORT 28016 RCON port
RCON_PASSWORD changeme RCON password
RCON_WEB 1 0: Legacy source engine RCON, 1: Web RCON usable via
APP_PORT 28082 Rust+ Companion App Port
SERVER_MAP Barren Level: Procedural Map, Barren, Hapis, Craggy Island, Savas Island
SERVER_SEED 123456 Level map generation seed
SERVER_SIZE 3000 Defines the size of the map generated (min 1000, max 6000)
SERVER_TICKRATE 30 Server refresh rate
SERVER_MAX_PLAYERS 50 Maximum amount of players allowed to connect to your server at a time
SERVER_IDENTITY world Changes path to your server data rust/server/my_server_identity. Useful for running multiple instances
SERVER_NAME Rust Server The displayed name of your server
SERVER_DESCRIPTION Rust Server Server description
SERVER_BANNER_URL Server Banner Image
SERVER_SAVE_INTERVAL 300 Time in seconds for server save
SERVER_DECAY 1 If server decay is on
SERVER_CRAFT_INSTANT 0 If instant craft is on
DUCK_DOMAIN Duck DNS domain name to update
DUCK_TOKEN Duck DNS token to update domain name


See LICENSE for more details.


Rust modded server







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