A ready to go Rust server which comes pre-modded with uMod (Oxide) and plugins.
Getting up and running:
Mod | Version | Why |
uMod | 2.0.4677 |
Oxide (legacy) modification for the game Rust |
Gather Manager | 2.2.74 |
Increases the amount of items gained from gathering resources |
Rust Kits | 3.2.95 |
Item kits, autokits, kit cooldowns, and more |
Remover Tool | 4.3.15 |
Building and entity removal tool |
Welcomer | 1.5.1 |
Provides welcome and join/leave messages |
Death Notes | 6.3.5 |
Broadcasts deaths to chat along with detailed information |
Time Of Day | 2.3.4 |
Alters the day and night duration |
Blueprint Manager | 1.1.4 |
Manage blueprints on your server easily |
No Decay | 1.0.40 |
Scales or disables decay of items, and deployables |
Heli Control | 1.4.0 |
Manage CH47 and helicopter health, player damage, configure turrets/rockets, and more |
Vehicle License | 1.6.0 |
Allows players to buy, spawn and recall: Boat, RHIB, Sedan, HotAirBalloon, MiniCopter and CH47 etc... |
Car Commander Lite | 0.1.3 |
Car spawner with added features |
Spawn Mini | 2.6.3 |
Spawns a mini helicopter on command |
Portable Vehicles | 1.0.9 |
Gives vehicles as item to players |
Teleport Gun | 0.1.2 |
Allows teleporting by shooting guns |
NTeleportation | 1.3.7 |
Multiple teleportation systems for admin and players |
Copy Paste | 4.1.22 |
Copy and paste your buildings to save them or move them |
Open the console (F1)
Click Items
tab up the top and click an item to spawn it
Command | Value | Description |
noclip |
Noclip | |
god |
0-1 |
Godmode |
env.time |
0-23 |
Change time (24 hour time) |
global.teleport |
steamid 64 bit or steam name |
Teleports you to a player |
global.teleport2me |
steamid 64 bit or steam name |
Teleports a player to you |
weather.clouds |
0-1 |
Change the amount of clouds in the sky |
weather.fog |
0-1 |
Change the amount of fog |
weather.wind |
0-1 |
Change the amount of wind |
weather.rain |
0-1 |
Cange the amount of rain |
inventory.giveall |
item id or item shortname |
Gives an item to everyone on the server |
inventory.givebpall |
item id or item shortname |
Gives a blueprint to everyone on the server |
inventory.give |
item id or item shortname |
Gives you an item |
inventory.giveto |
item id or item shortname steam name |
Gives an item to a person using steam username |
inventory.giveid |
item id or item shortname steamid 64 bit |
Gives an item to a person using steam id |
inventory.givearm |
item id or item shortname steam name |
Gives an item to a persons hotbar |
inventory.givebp |
item id or item shortname steam name |
Gives a blueprint to a person |
Command | Value | Description |
event.run |
Airdrop event | |
heli.calltome |
Forces a helicopter to spawn off map and fly to your position | |
heli.call |
Calls in a helicopter to roam the map like normal | |
heli.strafe |
steamid 64 bit or steam name |
Forces helicopter to target a specific player |
spawn ch47scientists.entity |
Spawn and trigger the Chinook 47 helicopter event, crewed by 10 hostile scientist inside |
Command | Value | Description |
entity.spawnhere |
minicopter.entity |
Spawns a minicopter |
entity.spawnhere |
scraptransporthelicopter |
Spawns a Scrap Transport Helicopter |
entity.spawnhere |
ch47.entity |
Spawns a Chinook 47 helicopter |
entity.spawnhere |
hotairballoon |
Spawns a Hot air balloon |
entity.spawnhere |
rhib |
Spawns a Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat |
Set your Google Cloud project
gcloud config set project my-project
gcloud compute firewall-rules create rust-server \
--allow tcp:28015,tcp:28016,tcp:28082,tcp:80,tcp:443,udp:28015,udp:28016 \
--target-tags rust-server
gcloud beta compute instances create <instance-name> \
--project=<project> \
--zone=australia-southeast1-b \
--machine-type=n1-standard-2 \
--subnet=default \
--network-tier=PREMIUM \
--metadata=^,@^MOD_URL=https://github.com/kus/rust-modded-server/archive/master.zip,@RCON_PASSWORD=changeme,@SERVER_NAME=Rust\ Server\|5X\|NoBP\|Kits\|Vehicles\|InstaCraft,@SERVER_DESCRIPTION=A\ Rust\ Server\!\\n\\n5X\ gather,\ No\ BPs,\ No\ Decay,\ Kits,\ Vehicles,\ Instant\ craft,@SERVER_TICKRATE=30,@SERVER_MAP=Barren,@SERVER_SEED=123456,@SERVER_SIZE=3000,@SERVER_DECAY=0,@SERVER_CRAFT_INSTANT=1,@startup-script=echo\ \"Delaying\ for\ 30\ seconds...\"\ \#\&\&\ sleep\ 30\ \&\&\ cd\ /\ \&\&\ /gcp.sh \
--no-restart-on-failure \
--maintenance-policy=TERMINATE \
--scopes=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.read_only,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/logging.write,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/monitoring.write,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/servicecontrol,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/service.management.readonly,https://www.googleapis.com/auth/trace.append \
--tags=rust-server \
--image-family=ubuntu-1804-lts \
--image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud \
--boot-disk-size=40GB \
--boot-disk-type=pd-standard \
--boot-disk-device-name=<instance-name> \
--no-shielded-secure-boot \
--shielded-vtpm \
--shielded-integrity-monitoring \
gcloud compute ssh <instance-name> \
sudo su
cd / && curl --silent --output "gcp.sh" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kus/rust-modded-server/master/gcp.sh" && chmod +x gcp.sh && bash gcp.sh
gcloud compute instances stop <instance-name> \
--zone australia-southeast1-b
gcloud compute instances start <instance-name> \
--zone australia-southeast1-b
gcloud compute instances delete <instance-name> \
--zone australia-southeast1-b
For example:
On local:
gcloud config set project <project>
cd /path/to/folder
gcloud compute scp file.txt root@<instance-name>:/home/steam/rust --zone australia-southeast1-b
On server SSH:
cd /home/steam/rust
chown steam:steam file.txt
chmod 644 file.txt
SSH into the VM
Switch to root sudo su
Check the timezone your server is running in sudo hwclock --show
Open crontab file nano /etc/crontab
Append to the end of the crontab file 30 3 * * * root shutdown -h now
Save CTRL + X
Make sure you have 40GB free space.
You can configure the server from the following environment variables (or Custom metadata
in Google Cloud):
Variable | Default Value | Description |
https://github.com/kus/rust-modded-server/archive/master.zip |
28015 |
Server port |
28016 |
RCON port |
changeme |
RCON password |
1 |
0: Legacy source engine RCON, 1: Web RCON usable via http://facepunch.github.io/webrcon/ |
28082 |
Rust+ Companion App Port |
Barren |
Level: Procedural Map, Barren, Hapis, Craggy Island, Savas Island |
123456 |
Level map generation seed |
3000 |
Defines the size of the map generated (min 1000, max 6000) |
30 |
Server refresh rate |
50 |
Maximum amount of players allowed to connect to your server at a time |
world |
Changes path to your server data rust/server/my_server_identity. Useful for running multiple instances |
Rust Server |
The displayed name of your server |
Rust Server |
Server description |
https://github.com/kus/rust-modded-server |
Server URL |
Server Banner Image | |
300 |
Time in seconds for server save |
1 |
If server decay is on |
0 |
If instant craft is on |
Duck DNS domain name to update | |
Duck DNS token to update domain name |
for more details.