This web app is designed that you can share yourself that how was your day You can make your profile with an image, tell users about your day with an image and piece of text
- Register and log into app
- Set up your profile
- Share about your day with an image and some text any number of times
- Comment on your post and other posts
- All the data of the post will be deleted for the next day because we won't have same day every day
- You can delete your posts and Comments
- A global chatroom for you to chat with database storing of messages with a option of deleting your messages
- All the messages will be deleted at the the time of deleting posts
- users.sql for user table
- posts.sql for post table
- globalchat.sql for chat table
- comments.sql for comments table
- images folder in static contains posts images
- chat.html for chat page
- error.html for error page
- login.html for login page
- post.html for specific post page
- posts.html for posts page
- signup.html for registering page
- user.html for profile page
- welcome.html for homepage
- write.html for writing post
- The app states it deletes Posts at 23:59 PM everyday. As I have used PostgresSql Database which doesn't have ant events and triggers I have used cornjob for this task. So on scheduled time the cornjob deletes Posts table data which automatically deletes Comments table data and also images for respective posts in filesystem