With Khurram Virani / KV June 23, 2020
- Recorded Lecture
- Is everyone here? Attendance time
- Setup: LiveCodeShare Setup and Following
- Agenda
- Joke
- KV Introduction
- I'm on Windows (what???) - #WSL2
- Bio Break at the 50-60m mark
- Mic check and Raise hands
- Videos on, as much as possible, please (very common for remote meetings)
- Live Share check
- Checkin
- How was the 5pm breakout?
- How was Discord usage?
- Quick poll (give your number in the chat):
- How many Assistance Requests (ARs) did you make yesterday?
- How did they go?
- Purpose of morning class/lecture
- Don't code along
- Instructor's Lecture Notes
- KV's Lectures
- Schedule
- Protocol
- Raise hands for questions
- Questions & Answers
- The right to mute
- Not going over curriculum slides
- Developer Workflow
- Planning
- Implementing (incrementally)
- Learning and Investigating
- Pushing (Git)
Let's use this (somewhat familiar) problem as a demo example:
Write a node program that takes in an unlimited number of command line arguments, goes through each and prints out the sum of them.
- Pseudocode [10m]
- Incremental Implementation [20m]
- Focus on errors (errors are your friend) ie error driven development
- Note: EDD is part of working incrementally. Working incrementally
- Not everything needs to be in a function (some code outside a function)
- Writing pseudocode before writing code
- Learn through investigating (in your existing program/code or
(REPL))- Documentation is your friend, and so are mentors, but investigation up front is also great!
- KV finishes lectures late
- Getting comfortable with scopes in JS, but it will take some time to get fully comfortable with scoping
- Git
- Avoid git add . (bad habbit)
- Use git status religiously (all the time)
- Lecture notes coming up
- Don't forget to give feedback once the notes are sent