Subject: [SciPy 2010] invitation to review proceedings
Dear colleague and friend,
Considering your expertise, we would like to invite you to review the two attached articles for the SciPy 2010 conference proceedings. Everyone who presented at this year's conference was invited to submit an article for consideration in the peer-reviewed proceedings. The conference presentations were selected by a program committee, based on submitted abstracts and the follow criteria: applicability, novelty, and general impression. Each abstract was reviewed by at least four reviewers. Of the 32 accepted abstracts, we have 19 submitted papers to review.
We would appreciate it if, within the next three days, you could confirm whether or not you'll be able to take part in this process. Reviews are due by January 8, 2011 and should be submitted via email to "Stefan van der Walt" <[email protected]> and "Jarrod Millman" <[email protected]>.
The purpose of the conference proceedings is to increase the visibility of the conference and the presented work, as well as to provide academic recognition of the significant contributions made by the developers of software for science and engineering. To ensure the published proceedings are of sufficiently high quality, we have have instituted a formal review process in which each paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers according to explicit and uniform criteria.
The primary goal of the review process is to provide independent feedback that guide authors in improving their papers. To review a paper, please complete the attached review form.
Please note that, while reviewers' recommendations regarding a paper's suitability for publication are seriously considered, the final decision rests with the proceeding editors.
Of course, you are more than welcome (and encouraged!) to review additional papers, if time and interest permits. You can browse the submitted papers here:
Please note that all reviews are made public including the reviewer's name.
With best regards,
Jarrod Millman, UC Berkeley, USA
Stéfan van der Walt, Stellenbosch University, South Africa