HyperApp is a JavaScript library for building frontend applications.
- Declarative: HyperApp's design is based on the Elm Architecture. Create scalable browser-based applications using a functional paradigm. The twist is you don't have to learn a new language.
- Stateless components: Build complex user interfaces from micro-components. Stateless components are framework agnostic, reusable and easier to debug.
- Batteries-included: Out of the box, HyperApp has Elm-like state management and a virtual DOM engine; it still weighs
and has no dependencies.
npm i -S hyperapp
In Node.js.
import { h, app } from "hyperapp"
In the browser via the CDN.
const { h, app } = hyperapp
model: 0,
actions: {
add: model => model + 1,
sub: model => model - 1
view: (model, actions) =>
<button onClick={actions.add}>+</button>
<button onClick={actions.sub} disabled={model <= 0}>-</button>
model: "",
actions: {
text: (_, value) => value
view: (model, actions) =>
<h1>Hi{model ? " " + model : ""}.</h1>
<input onInput={e => actions.text(e.target.value)} />
Drag & Drop
const model = {
dragging: false,
position: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0
const actions = {
drop: model => ({ dragging: false }),
drag: (model, { position }) => ({ dragging: true, position }),
move: (model, { x, y }) => model.dragging
? ({ position: { ...model.position, x, y } })
: model
const subscriptions = [
(_, actions) => addEventListener("mouseup", actions.drop),
(_, actions) => addEventListener("mousemove", e =>
actions.move({ x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }))
const view = (model, actions) =>
onMouseDown={e => actions.drag({
position: {
x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY, offsetX: e.offsetX, offsetY: e.offsetY
position: "absolute",
left: model.position.x - model.position.offsetX + "px",
top: model.position.y - model.position.offsetY + "px",
backgroundColor: model.dragging ? "gold" : "deepskyblue"
Drag Me
app({ model, view, actions, subscriptions })
const FilterInfo = { All: 0, Todo: 1, Done: 2 }
model: {
todos: [],
filter: FilterInfo.All,
input: "",
placeholder: "Add new todo!"
view: (model, actions) =>
Show: {Object.keys(FilterInfo)
.filter(key => FilterInfo[key] !== model.filter)
.map(key =>
onClick={_ => actions.filter({
value: FilterInfo[key]
.filter(t =>
model.filter === FilterInfo.Done
? t.done :
model.filter === FilterInfo.Todo
? !t.done :
model.filter === FilterInfo.All)
.map(t =>
<li style={{
color: t.done ? "gray" : "black",
textDecoration: t.done ? "line-through" : "none"
onClick={e => actions.toggle({
value: t.done,
id: t.id
onKeyUp={e => e.keyCode === 13 ? actions.add() : ""}
onInput={e => actions.input({ value: e.target.value })}
<button onClick={actions.add}>add</button>
actions: {
add: model => ({
input: "",
todos: model.todos.concat({
done: false,
value: model.input,
id: model.todos.length + 1
toggle: (model, { id, value }) => ({
todos: model.todos.map(t =>
id === t.id
? Object.assign({}, t, { done: !value })
: t)
input: (model, { value }) => ({ input: value }),
filter: (model, { value }) => ({ filter: value })
No software is free of bugs. If you're not sure if something is a bug or not, please file an issue anyway. Questions, feedback and feature requests are welcome too.
The documentation and API reference is located in the wiki.
HyperApp is MIT licensed. See LICENSE.