This is a microservice project that uses the Nameko framework.
The following microservices are available:
Please read this for more information on how this project was implemented and the relevant design decisions that were made.
Build the docker images for the microservices:
make docker
If you do not have make
installed, execute this command instead.
Run the service using Docker-compose:
make run
If you do not have make
installed, execute this command instead.
Run a client using the nameko shell:
make run-client
If you do not have make
installed, execute this command instead.
In this shell, you can test a client-side call to square_odd_service
(Square Odd Integers) as well as the string_encoder_service
(String Encoder):
>>> n.rpc.square_odd_service.square([1,2,3])
'[1, 2, 9]'
>>> n.rpc.string_encoder_service.encode(["Hello", "Invictus"])
{'Hello': '3ce949cf', 'Invictus': 'f80ceec4184f'}
>>> n.rpc.string_encoder_service.decode(string='3ce949cf')