- upload - ee_upload_imgs.py
- verify - check_img_uploads.py
- reduce - imgColl_stat_derivatives.py
CLI for batch uploading A LOT of images into EE imageCollections, here specifically in our examples, weather time series data
Usage: python ee_upload_imgs.py project product pyramiding year_st
Example: python ee_upload_imgs.py pyregence-ee precip mean 2017
CLI for checking on missing images in an EE imageCollection - checks against a set of images that were supposed to have been uploaded by ee_upload_imgs.py
Usage: python check_img_uploads.py project product year_st year_end {--reupload} {--authenticate}
Example: python check_img_uploads.py pyregence-ee precip 2011 2012 --reupload --authenticate
CLI for exporting statistical reductions of large imgCollections (currently 10th percentile, median, 90th percentile)
Usage: python imgColl_stat_derivatives.py project product year {--authenticate}
Example: python imgColl_stat_derivatives.py pyregence-ee precip 2011 --authenticate