A bot inspired by Emily Noyes Vanderpoel (1842-1939).
Vanderpoel's obscure 1902 work, Color Problems, presents an idiosyncratic and impenetrable theory of color represented by dozens of abstract grids proporting to describe the color patterns of physical objects. The Public Domain Review has a good writeup and some highlights from the book.
This program generates grids that evoke Vanderpoel's work:
- Select a random keyword from a set of objects in corpora
- Find a related image from Flickr
- Extract the dominant colors from that image
- From a set of color tiles (hand-cut from the original work), find close match colors using a Delta E function.
- Using a similar process, find matching color names drawn from the corpora crayon color names
- Assemble a grid proportional to the color representations in the original
- Draw a table listing the color names and the number of matching tiles
Bot is tweeting daily at https://twitter.com/emilyvanderbot
Copyright (c) 2016 Liza Daly
Licensed under the MIT license.