A repo that will hold my ebird data download utilities
Shell file helps bring your zip download into a sqlite db.
Query here can be run against that db to give you all observations within a max distance of a specified gps coordinate.
WITH params AS (
36.052833 AS center_lat,
-94.115258 AS center_lon,
6371 AS earth_radius_km, -- Earth's radius in kilometers
0.201168 AS max_distance_km -- 1/8 mile in kilometers
FROM observations, params
earth_radius_km * ACOS(
COS(RADIANS(center_lat)) * COS(RADIANS(Latitude)) * COS(RADIANS(center_lon - Longitude)) +
SIN(RADIANS(center_lat)) * SIN(RADIANS(Latitude))
) <= max_distance_km;