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Ansible Drone — Production ready Node, React starter kit for building products at a warp speed

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An ansible role for the drone CI deployment with Github integration and PostgreSQL database.

Role Variables

Available variables:

Name Default Description
drone_version 1 Version of Drone CI, see other versions here
drone_user_filter "" Comma-separated list of accounts. Registration is limited to users included in this list, or users that are members of organizations included in this list.
drone_user_create "" List of users with admin access to the drone, readme more
drone_runners [{name: "Nancy"}] Name of the docker agent container, you can add more than one agent
drone_runner_capacity "2" Unsigned integer value configures the number of concurrent pipelines an agent can execute. Concurrency is disabled if this value is not set.
drone_rpc_server "" The url, where drone instance will be publicly available. Typically you would have nginx in front of Drone CI. Example:
drone_rpc_secret hTirsXmrY4YsyK79ELgB Required string literal value provides the drone shared secret. This is used to authenticate the rpc connection to the server. The server and agent must be provided the same secret value, more info
drone_server_host "" Required string literal value specifies the Drone server hostname. Example:
drone_server_proto http Required string literal value specifies the Drone server protocol.
drone_tls_autocert "false" Automatically generates an SSL certificate using Lets Encrypt, and configures the server to accept HTTPS requests.
drone_logs_debug "false" Enable debug-level logging.
drone_logs_trace "false" Enable trace logs.
drone_cookie_secret "" A secret key used to sign authentication cookies. This value is optional. If unset, a random value is generated each time the server is started.
drone_cookie_timeout "72h" Duration value sets the authentication cookie expiration.
drone_github_client_id "" Github oauth application client identifier, more info
drone_github_secret "" Github oauth application client secret, more info
drone_git_always_auth "false" Boolean value configures Drone to authenticate when cloning public repositories. This is only required when your source code management system (e.g. GitHub Enterprise) has private mode enabled.
drone_github_server String literal value provides the github server address.
drone_postgres_version "11.3" Version of Postgres, see other versions here
drone_database_secret "" Drone supports aesgcm encryption of secrets stored in the database. You must enable encryption before any secrets are stored in the database, read more
drone_postgress_password droneRocks23@p A password to postgress db used by drone
drone_postgress_user drone A username to postgress db used by drone, read more
drone_postgress_db drone A name of to postgress db used by drone, read more
drone_postgress_data_dir /drone-postgres-data A directory on a host machine, where postgresql data stored
drone_isolated_network drone_isolated_network Docker network for postgres, drone server and drone agent containers.
ansible_drone_deploy_agents true The boolean value indicates whether start deploy of the drone agents or not.
ansible_drone_deploy_server true The boolean value indicates whether start deploy of the drone server or not.
ansible_drone_deploy_postgresql true The boolean value indicates whether start deploy of the postgres database or not.


Docker must be installed on the server in order to use this role. If you don't have docker on your server we recommend angstwad.docker_ubuntu Ansible role.

Example of using angstwad.docker_ubuntu:

- name: Setup drone ci server
  hosts: drone
  become: true
    - { role: angstwad.docker_ubuntu }

Quick example

Example of the playbook file:

- name: Deploy drone CI server
  hosts: drone
  become_user: root
  become: true
    - role: auxilincom.drone
      # Version of Drone CI, see other versions here:
      drone_version: 1

      # List of users with admins or orgnizations, who has access to the instance:
      drone_user_filter: "auxilincom"

      # use this to create first admin for the drone server
      # read more:
      drone_user_create: "ezhivitsa,anorsich"

      # Name of the docker agent container, you can add more than one agent
      drone_runners: [{name: "Nancy"}]
      drone_runner_capacity: "2"
      # Url to your instance with drone admin, e.x.:
      # Drone secret key, used for private communication between agent and web UI
      # more info:
      drone_rpc_secret: hTirsXmrY4YsyK79ELgB

      # the url, where drone instance will be publicly available
      # typically you would have nginx in front of Drone CI
      drone_server_host: ""
      drone_server_proto: "https"
      drone_cookie_secret: "cookie-secret"

      # Github oauth application client identifier
      # more info
      # Github oauth application client secret
      # more info

      # Drone supports aesgcm encryption of secrets stored in the database.
      # details
      drone_database_secret: "0c549fd39ae397333761d2cb0c53c219"

      # A password to postgress db used by drone
      drone_postgress_password: droneRocks23@p
      # A username to postgress db used by drone, read more:
      drone_postgress_user: drone
      # A name of to postgress db used by drone, read more:
      drone_postgress_db: drone
      # a directory on a host machine, where postgresql data stored
      drone_postgress_data_dir: /drone-postgres-data

Change Log

This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Every release is documented on the Github Releases page.


Ansible-drone is released under the MIT License.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Andrew Orsich
Andrew Orsich

📖 🤔 💻 📖 🤔 👀
Evgeny Zhivitsa
Evgeny Zhivitsa

📖 💻

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!


Ansible role for drone deployment



Code of conduct





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