All samples were moved to FSharp.NLP.Stanford project.
This project contains Stanford NLP assemblies (compiled from *.jar files using IKVM.NET Bytecode Compiler) with samples translated to F#.
Stanford Parser (v3.2.0 - 2013-06-20) more
Implementations of probabilistic natural language parsers, both highly optimized PCFG and dependency parsers, and a lexicalized PCFG parser in Java. Includes: Online parser demo, Stanford Dependencies page, and Parser FAQ.
Available on NuGet as Stanford.NLP.Parser
Stanford POS Tagger (v3.2.0 - 2013-06-20) more
A maximum-entropy (CMM) part-of-speech (POS) tagger for English, Arabic, Chinese, French, and German, in Java.
Available on NuGet as Stanford.NLP.POSTagger
Stanford Named Entity Recognizer (v3.2.0 - 2013-06-20) more
A Conditional Random Field sequence model, together with well-engineered features for Named Entity Recognition in English and German. Online NER demo
Available on NuGet as Stanford.NLP.NER
All libraries are distributed only with models which were used in code samples. Full model set is available on the The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group site.
All these software distributions are open source, licensed under the GNU General Public License (v2 or later). Note that this is the full GPL, which allows many free uses, but does not allow its incorporation into any type of distributed proprietary software, even in part or in translation. Commercial licensing is also available; please contact The Stanford Natural Language Processing Group if you are interested.