- Zürich, Switzerland
ph4-walkingpad Public
Forked from ph4r05/ph4-walkingpadWalkingPad python controller
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedFeb 19, 2024 -
pdf.js Public
Forked from mozilla/pdf.jsPDF Reader in JavaScript
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 10, 2022 -
vimium Public
Forked from philc/vimiumThe hacker's browser.
swift-models Public
Forked from tensorflow/swift-modelsModels and examples built with Swift for TensorFlow
Perfect-Python Public
Forked from PerfectlySoft/Perfect-PythonAn expressway to import Python 2.7 modules into Server Side Swift
Swift Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 3, 2019 -
Karabiner-Elements Public
Forked from pqrs-org/Karabiner-ElementsKarabiner-Elements is a powerful utility for keyboard customization on macOS Sierra (10.12) or later.
C++ The Unlicense UpdatedJul 27, 2019 -
metamask-logo Public
Forked from MetaMask/logoA 3d take on the metamask logo, in browser, as a browserifyable module.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 15, 2019 -
postgresql Public
Forked from vapor-community/postgresqlRobust PostgreSQL interface for Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedDec 27, 2018 -
BoostRemote Public
Forked from bricklife/BoostRemoteRemote Control iOS app for LEGO® BOOST
swift Public
Forked from swiftlang/swiftThe Swift Programming Language
BoostBLEKit Public
Forked from bricklife/BoostBLEKitBluetooth LE protocols for LEGO® Boost in Swift
Swift MIT License UpdatedOct 2, 2018 -
Sourcery Public
Forked from krzysztofzablocki/SourceryA tool that brings meta-programming to Swift, allowing you to code generate Swift code.
swift-source-compat-suite Public
Forked from swiftlang/swift-source-compat-suiteThe infrastructure and project index comprising the Swift source compatibility suite.
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 16, 2018 -
go-ethereum Public
Forked from ethereum/go-ethereumOfficial Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
remix-ide Public
Forked from ethereum/remix-ideBrowser-Only Solidity IDE and Runtime Environment
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 7, 2018 -
CtCI-6th-Edition Public
Forked from careercup/CtCI-6th-EditionCracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. Solutions
Eureka Public
Forked from xmartlabs/EurekaElegant iOS form builder in Swift
injectionforxcode Public
Forked from johnno1962/injectionforxcodeRuntime Code Injection for Objective-C & Swift
RxFirebase Public
Forked from RxSwiftCommunity/RxFirebase-DeprecatedImplement RxSwift with the new Firebase
CocoaPods Public
Forked from CocoaPods/CocoaPodsThe Cocoa Dependency Manager.
Ruby Other UpdatedSep 11, 2016 -
RegX Public
Prettify plugin for Xcode. It enables alignment of specific source code elements and makes code easier to read and understand.
RxDelegateCells Public
Forked from devxoul/RxDelegateCellsUITableView Cell Height and UICollectionView Cell Size for RxSwift (ㅜNot production ready)
VectorArithmetic Public
Forked from seivan-archives/VectorArithmeticOperators on top of vectors CGPoint, CGSize and CGVector. With added math functions and comparisons
Swift MIT License UpdatedMay 29, 2016 -
TheAmazingAudioEngine Public
Forked from TheAmazingAudioEngine/TheAmazingAudioEngineCore Audio, Cordially: A sophisticated framework for iOS audio applications, built so you don't have to.
SourceKitten Public
Forked from jpsim/SourceKittenAn adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.
Swift UpdatedDec 31, 2015 -
SwiftReflector Public
Generate Swift source code using attributes