This is a python online machine learning library (POMLL) for some famous online-learning methods.
The following classifiers are implemented.
- Passive Agrressive Algorithm
- L1-hinge loss
- L2-hinge loss
- Confidence Weighted
- variance version
- Multi-Class Multi-Label Confidence Weighted
- single contraint and diagonal matrix version
- Adaptive Regularization of Weights
- dense matrix
- diagonal matrix
- Softconfidence Weighted
- L1-hinge loss
- L2-hinge loss
- Softconfidence Weighted
- L1-hinge loss, single contraint, and diagonal matrix
- L2-hinge loss, single contraint, and diagonal matrix
- Logistic Regression (should not be used)
- solved with stochastic gradient
- numpy
- scipy
- scikit-learn
Two intefaces are published learn and predict interface.
- Learn inteface takes two arguments of X and y which are a 2d-numpy array or a scipy sparse martix and an array-like object respectively like scikit-learn fit interface.
- Predict interface takes one argument which is a 1d-numpy array or a 1-by-n scipy sparse matrix.
All you have to do is instantiate model, call learn method with samples and labels, and predict for one sample similar to scikit-learn interface
# learn
model = MCWVarDiag(eta=0.9, epochs=1)
model.learn(X, y) # X is samples and y is the correponding labels.
# predict
model.predict(x) # x is one samples.
This is a sample data format to be stored in your storage. Any data format is acceptable unless you can feed data into learn/predict interface.
Dense Labeled Samples
example for binary
1,0.1,0.2, ...,0.9 2,0.1,0.2, ...,0.9 ... 1,0.1,0.2, ...,0.9 2,0.1,0.2, ...,0.9
example for multi-class
1,0.1,0.2, ...,0.9 2,0.1,0.2, ...,0.9 ... 3,0.1,0.2, ...,0.9 2,0.1,0.2, ...,0.9
Sparse Labeled Samples
label<space>feature-index:feature-val<space>feature-index:feature-val<space>... label<space>feature-index:feature-val<space>feature-index:feature-val<space>... ... label<space>feature-index:feature-val<space>feature-index:feature-val<space>...
Refer to the main function
- All labeled samples to be used for learning are stored in memory.
- All algorithm except for Multi-Class Multi-Label CW and SCW are for binary classification only.
- Bias, 1 is added to a sample, so you do not have to add 1 to dataset.
- Labeled samples to be used for learning are not necessarily stored in memory.
- Evaluation compared to batch-learning (e.g., liblinear)