See reported issue.
Run the project setting a breakpoint in the generator.
Alternatively, just compile the solution and inspect the generated
code in \Library\obj\Debug\net8.0\generated\Analyzer\Generator\RecordMembers.cs
which looks like the following and showcases the missing field symbol:
// Local External
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// .ctor .ctor
// .ctor .ctor
// <Amount>k__BackingField
// <Clone>$ <Clone>$
// Amount Amount
// Deconstruct Deconstruct
// EqualityContract EqualityContract
// Equals Equals
// Equals Equals
// get_Amount get_Amount
// get_EqualityContract get_EqualityContract
// GetHashCode GetHashCode
// op_Equality op_Equality
// op_Inequality op_Inequality
// PrintMembers PrintMembers
// set_Amount set_Amount
// ToString ToString
Both record definitions are the same except for the name:
// Library
public record Local(int Amount);
// External
public record External(int Amount);