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FK20 for GPU

This repository implements the "Fast amortized KZG proofs", described by Dankrad Feist and Dmitry Khovratovich, which is a way of computing KZG proofs in superlinear time. This implementation leverages modern GPUs to parallelize the execution of (up to) 512 instances of FK20 with the same setup.


To download and compile the code and tests, run the following instructions:

$ git clone [email protected]:lCardosoSantos/FK20-CUDA.git
$ cd FK20-CUDA 
$ tar -xvzf test.tar.xz #precomputed KAT arrays ~3.5 GB uncompressed
$ make frtest fptest g1test fk20test fk20_512test fk20benchmark

Note: test.tar.xz is tracked using git lfs

The make targets are are as follows:

  • frtest Compiles a test with the name frtest. This executable tests all the base arithmetic functions on the 256-bit residue used in BLS12-321 ($F_r$). These tests are run on the GPU. An optional command line parameter is used to set the level of testing:
    • 0 Executes only KAT and simple $FFT$ tests.
    • 1 Tests in 0, and quick tests of basic functions
    • 2 Tests in 1, and self-consistency tests of the commutative properties.
    • 3 Test in 2, and self-consistency tests of associative and distributive properties.
  • fptest Compiles a test with the same characterists as frtest.
  • g1test Compiles a test for curve arithmetic, with the name g1test. This executable tests all the functions used to manipulate points in the curve defined over $F_p$, named $G_1$. These tests are run in the GPU, and the executable takes an integer $1 \leq i \leq 512$, which sets the number of CUDA blocks used in the test for $FFT$ and $FFT^{-1}$ functions. If the argument is 0, $FFT$ testing will be skipped.
  • fk20test Compiles a test for the FK20 functions and integration test. This executable also checks for false positives. Details on the individual tests are given in section Testing.
  • fk20_512test is similar to fk20test, but runs a test on many instances of FK20 running in multiple CUDA blocks.
  • fk20benchmark Compiles a benchmark function on the subfunctions of FK20. The benchmark warms up the GPU first and then runs a series of tests before reporting the median of the measurements.
    • Usage is ./fk20benchmark [-r rows] [-s NSAMPLES] [-h] there rows is the number of FK20 rows and CUDA blocks, and NSAMPLES is the number of executions to be measured.

Additionally, clean and shallowclean are defined for cleaning the repository, with the latter being used to keep KAT objects.


Requisites for compiling and running:

  • CUDA TOOLKIT $\geq$ 11.1 (earlier versions may also work).
  • GNU Make
  • git-lfs
  • GeFORCE RTX 30xx minimum.


Arithmetic library

Testing of the primitives in BLS12-381 is done in two main ways:

  • KAT Known Answer Test: Uses test vectors generated by reference code.
  • Self consistency The primitives are tested against themselves, using known mathematical relationships. For example, it is tested if $(FFT^{-n}(FFT^n(x))=x$, or $x \circ y = y \circ x$ for an operation with commutative property. The tests are executed against a big number of variables in order to decrease the probability of a false-pass.

In the self consistency test for $F_r$ and $F_p$, the following properties are checked:

  • Comparisons (given any x and y such that x != y):

    • $eq(x,x) \neq neq(x,x)$
    • $neq(x,x) = false$
    • $neq(x,y) = true$
    • $eq(x,x) = true$
    • $eq(x,y) = false$
  • Multiplication by constant

    • $2(4x) = 8x$
    • $2(2(2(2(2(2x))))) = 4(4(4x)) = 8(8x)$
    • $3(4x) = 12(x)$
    • $3(3(3(2(4(8x))))) = 12(12(12x))$
  • Addition and subtraction:

    • $2x + x = 3x$
    • $x+y = y+x$
    • $(x+y)+z = x+(y+z)$
    • $2x = 3x - x$
  • Squaring:

    • $(x+n)^2 = x^2 + 2nx + n^2$
    • $(x+y)^2 = x^2 + 2xy + y^2$
  • Multiplication:

    • $x \cdot y = y \cdot x$
    • $(x \cdot y) \cdot z = x \cdot (y \cdot z)$
    • $a(b+c) = ab+ac$
    • $(a+b)c = ac+bc$
    • $a(b-c) = ab-ac$
    • $(a-b)c = ac-bc$
  • Modular inverse:

    • $x = x \cdot inv(x) \cdot x$

And for $F_r$, additionally $FFT^{-n}(FFT^n(x))=x$ is tested.

In $G1$, besides KAT, Fibonacci, and $FFT$ tests, the point-doubling function is tested as $p+p==dbl(p)$.

Test execution time

The time needed to perform the tests is given in the table below. Notice that full testing takes multiple hours. Tested on RTX3060.

Test arg frtest fptest g1test
0 0.01s 0.5s 10.8s
1 2.4s 3.0s 22s
2 15s 9.3s -
3 2.6h 5.3h -
28 - - 26s

For fk20_512test:

Rows Time SMs used
1 14 s 3.6%
7 14 s 25%
14 15 s 50%
21 17 s 75%
28 19 s 100%
512 363 s 18.3x

*SM = Streaming Multi processor.


In FK20, the tests are divided into three groups:

  • FFT tests: These tests check if $FFT$ and $FFT^{-1}$ transformations produce the expected results, compared to KATs from the reference python implementation.
  • Poly tests: This groups the tests over functions that cover more than one step in a single CUDA kernel, as well as the main loop (MSM).
  • Full integration test: This checks a full execution of the FK20 algorithm against the KAT.

All the tests in fk20test and fk20_512test implement a "memory pattern before execution" approach, which fills the device memory with a bit pattern, used to detect a fail-mode where an unwritten memory address happen to have the correct value in it from a previous execution.

All the tests in fk20test and fk20_512test also introduce intentional errors and require test functions to detect these. This mitigates false positive results.

fk20_512test takes an integer between 1 and 512 as command line argument, and runs the tests from fk20test, with the argument being the number of rows. A row is defined as a different polynomial committed do the same setup. Each row is executed by one CUDA block with 256 threads. Single row and multi-row are in separated tests due to a single row fitting in a single CUDA block, making compilation and testing of fk20test more agile.

Additionally, each test displays a reference execution time. A more precise time measurement for each function is given by fk20benchmark.

Technical details on the test is given here

FK20 intermediate variables

Alt text

The previous figure shows the execution flow of FK20, and the variable names. The setup is precomputed and stored in xext_fft which is then used on FK20 to transform the polynomial in the commitment h_fft.

Naming conventions

Arithmetic functions are in the form type_operation, for example, addition in $F_p$ is fp_add. The prototype for those functions are in the header file type.cuh, and each function have doxygen comments with detailed information.

FK20 functions are named in the form fk20_input2output denoting a transformation from input to output. For example, the function that transforms from a polynomial into the commitment is fk20_poly2h_fft.

Test functions are in the format Type+Test+test name, for example, FrTestAddSub is a test for the addsub function in $F_r$.


Function documentation and graphs

References and useful links:


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