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Token Days Destroyed Staking Module


The Token Days Destroyed (TDD) Staking Module is a smart contract implemented in the Move programming language for Move-based blockchains (e.g., Aptos). It allows users to stake any fungible tokens (FTs) they wish, without requiring prior setup or initialization by an admin for that token type. The module calculates Token Days Destroyed (TDD) based on the amount staked and the number of blocks that have passed since staking.

Users pay for the resources necessary to stake new tokens, and the contract ensures that one user's actions do not affect another user's resources, maintaining resource isolation and security.

Statement of Intended Behavior


The staking contract allows users to stake any cryptocurrency token (CoinType) they wish, without requiring prior setup or initialization by the admin for that token type. Users can stake and unstake tokens independently for each CoinType, and the contract maintains separate staking records for each CoinType per user. The contract tracks the staked amount and token days destroyed (TDD) for each token type individually.

An admin account is responsible for initializing the contract and setting the treasury address where staked tokens are held. The admin can perform emergency withdrawals of tokens not part of the total staked amounts and can transfer admin rights to another address. The contract emits events for staking and unstaking actions for each CoinType to facilitate tracking and transparency.

Users pay for the resources necessary to stake new CoinTypes, and the contract ensures that one user's actions do not affect another user's resources, maintaining resource isolation and security.

Detailed Intended Behavior with User-Initiated CoinType Staking

  1. Initialization

    • Admin Initialization

      • The initialize_admin function allows the contract deployer to set up the admin account.
      • It can only be called once to prevent reinitialization.
    • Configuration Initialization

      • The initialize_config function allows the admin to set the treasury address where staked tokens are held.
      • It can only be called once.
  2. Staking Tokens

    • User-Initiated CoinType Staking

      • Users can stake any CoinType without prior admin setup.
      • The stake function checks if the necessary resources for the CoinType exist, and if not, initializes them.
      • Users pay for the gas costs associated with resource initialization.
    • Stake Function

      • Users can stake tokens of different types by calling the stake function with the specific CoinType and amount.
      • The function transfers the specified amount from the user's account to the treasury address for that token.
      • For each CoinType, the user has a separate Staker<CoinType> resource under their address.
      • The staked amounts and TDD are tracked separately for each CoinType.
      • The total staked amount for each CoinType is updated in the global staking info.
      • A StakingEvent<CoinType> is emitted to record the staking action for that token.
  3. Unstaking Tokens

    • Unstake Function
      • Users can unstake tokens by calling the unstake function with the specific CoinType and amount.
      • The function transfers the specified amount from the treasury address back to the user's account for that token.
      • The user's staked amount and TDD for that CoinType are updated accordingly.
      • The total staked amount for the CoinType is updated in the global staking info.
      • A StakingEvent<CoinType> is emitted to record the unstaking action for that token.
  4. Token Days Destroyed (TDD)

    • Per-Token TDD Tracking
      • The contract keeps track of TDD separately for each CoinType a user stakes.
      • TDD is calculated based on the amount staked and the duration for which it was staked for each token type.
      • Functions like calculate_token_days_destroyed operate per CoinType.
  5. Admin Functions

    • Emergency Withdrawal

      • The admin can perform an emergency withdrawal of tokens not part of the total staked amounts.
      • The function ensures that the total staked tokens are not affected.
    • Transfer of Admin Rights

      • The admin can transfer their rights to a new admin address using the transfer_admin function.
  6. Cleanup of Staker Resource

    • Cleanup Function
      • Users can call cleanup_staker with the specific CoinType to remove their Staker<CoinType> resource if their staked amount is zero for that token.
      • This helps in freeing up storage space when a user no longer has any staked tokens of a particular type.
  7. Event Emission

    • Per-Token Staking Events
      • The contract emits events for staking and unstaking actions separately for each CoinType.
      • Events include the user's address, the amount staked or unstaked, and a flag indicating the action type.
  8. Access Control

    • Admin-Only Functions

      • Functions like initialize_config, emergency_withdraw, and transfer_admin are restricted to the admin account.
    • User Functions

      • Functions like stake, unstake, calculate_token_days_destroyed, get_staked_amount, and cleanup_staker are available to users for each CoinType.
  9. Security Measures

    • Assertions and Checks
      • The contract includes assertions to prevent invalid states per CoinType, such as staking or unstaking zero tokens, or unstaking more than the staked amount.
      • Arithmetic operations rely on Move's built-in overflow checks.
      • Access control checks ensure that only authorized accounts can perform certain actions.
      • Type constraints ensure that only valid coin types can be staked.
  10. Modularity and Extensibility

    • Generic Coin Type
      • The contract is generic over CoinType, allowing it to support staking for different types of tokens.
    • Resource Management
      • The use of per-token resources for stakers and global staking info ensures proper management and protection of data for each token type.
      • Users pay for the resources they initialize, and resource isolation ensures that one user's actions do not affect others.

Security Considerations

1. User-Initiated CoinType Staking

  • Implementation:

    • The stake function now initializes StakingEvents and GlobalStakingInfo resources for a CoinType if they do not exist.
    • Users pay for the resource creation costs.
  • Security Considerations:

    • Type Constraints:

      • The CoinType is constrained by store + CoinStore, ensuring only valid coin types that implement the CoinStore trait can be staked.
      • Risk Mitigated: Prevents users from staking arbitrary types that are not valid coins.
    • Resource Spamming:

      • Risk: Users could create numerous resources for different CoinTypes, consuming storage and potentially affecting network performance.
      • Mitigation:
        • Users pay the gas fees associated with resource creation, providing a financial disincentive for spamming.
        • Storage costs in the blockchain platform further discourage unnecessary resource creation.
      • Conclusion: The risk is adequately mitigated.
    • Interference with Other Users:

      • Resources are parameterized by CoinType and stored under the user's address (for Staker) or module address (for global resources).
      • Risk Mitigated: Users cannot access or modify other users' resources, maintaining resource isolation.

2. Adjustments to Other Functions

  • Unstake Function:

    • Modified to handle cases where GlobalStakingInfo might not exist by initializing it if absent.
    • Security Consideration: Ensures consistent behavior and prevents potential errors when unstaking tokens that haven't been staked before globally.
  • Emergency Withdrawal:

    • Adjusted to handle cases where GlobalStakingInfo might not exist, assuming total staked is zero in such cases.
    • Security Consideration: Prevents incorrect calculations of available balance for withdrawal.

3. Access Control and Authorization

  • Admin Functions:
    • Functions like initialize_config, emergency_withdraw, and transfer_admin still require admin privileges.
    • Security Consideration: Admin-only functions are protected, and admin rights are not compromised by the changes.

4. Assertions and Error Handling

  • Assertions:

    • All critical functions include assertions to prevent invalid operations, such as staking zero tokens or unstaking more than the staked amount.
    • Security Consideration: Prevents invalid state changes and maintains contract integrity.
  • Overflow Checks:

    • Move's built-in overflow checks handle arithmetic operations, ensuring safe calculations.
    • Security Consideration: Prevents integer overflows and underflows.

5. Event Emission

  • Per-Token Events:
    • Events are correctly emitted for staking and unstaking actions, with CoinType parameterization ensuring they are associated with the correct token.
    • Security Consideration: Event handling is secure and provides transparency.

6. Resource Management

  • User-Paid Resources:

    • Users are responsible for paying the gas fees for resource initialization, aligning costs with resource usage.
    • Security Consideration: Encourages responsible use and mitigates potential abuse.
  • Resource Isolation:

    • Each user's resources are managed independently, with no shared mutable state that could lead to race conditions or interference.
    • Security Consideration: Maintains security and data integrity across users.

7. Potential Security Weaknesses and Mitigations

  • Arbitrary CoinType Staking:

    • Risk: Users might attempt to stake tokens that are malicious or not intended for staking.
    • Mitigation:
      • The CoinStore trait constraint ensures only registered coin types can be staked.
      • Recommendation: Consider implementing additional validation if necessary, such as checking against a whitelist of approved tokens.
  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) via Resource Creation:

    • Risk: Excessive resource creation could strain network resources.
    • Mitigation:
      • Gas fees and storage costs act as deterrents.
      • Recommendation: Monitor resource usage and consider setting limits if necessary.
  • Security of External Calls:

    • All external calls are to standard library functions (e.g., CoinFramework::transfer), which are considered secure.
    • Security Consideration: No vulnerabilities identified related to external calls.

8. Testing and Validation

  • Comprehensive Tests:

    • The test suite includes scenarios where users stake multiple CoinTypes without prior admin setup.
    • Security Consideration: Testing verifies that the contract behaves correctly under the new functionality.
  • Edge Cases:

    • Tests cover edge cases such as unstaking when resources do not exist and ensure appropriate error handling.
    • Security Consideration: Ensures robustness of the contract.

9. Conclusion

  • Overall Assessment:

    • The contract modifications successfully allow users to stake any CoinType without prior admin setup while maintaining security.
    • Resource isolation and type constraints prevent users from affecting other users' resources or staking invalid tokens.
  • Security Posture:

    • Strong, with potential risks adequately mitigated through design choices and Move's safety features.
  • Recommendations:

    • Optional Enhancements:
      • Implement additional validation for CoinType if desired.
      • Monitor resource creation and usage patterns.
    • Documentation:
      • Update documentation to reflect the changes and inform users about the ability to stake any CoinType.
      • Provide guidance on acceptable CoinTypes and any limitations.

Key Features

  • Users Can Stake Any CoinType: Users can stake any fungible token without prior admin setup, paying for the necessary resources themselves.
  • Accurate Tracking of Total Staked Tokens: Introduces a global resource to track the total staked amount for each token type (CoinType), updating whenever users stake or unstake tokens.
  • Configurable Admin Resource: Stores the admin's address in a resource that can be updated via a governance process, allowing for admin transfer functionality.
  • Atomic Transactions and Concurrency Control: Ensures staking and unstaking operations are atomic and isolated, with Move's resource model preventing conflicting transactions.
  • Reuse of Staker Resource: Retains the Staker resource even when the staked amount reaches zero, providing an optional cleanup function for users.
  • Enhanced Error Messages: Utilizes descriptive error messages that are accessible and meaningful to users.

Security Guarantees

  • Exclusive Control Over Staked Tokens: Only the staker can withdraw their staked tokens; neither the admin nor the treasury can access them.
  • Protection Against Unauthorized Access: Move's resource and access control mechanisms enforce strict ownership rules.
  • Admin's Limited Authority: The admin cannot withdraw staked tokens belonging to users; administrative functions are restricted.
  • Safe and Atomic Operations: Transactions are atomic, ensuring state changes are fully applied or not at all.
  • Accurate Total Staked Tracking: Prevents the admin or treasury from inadvertently accessing staked tokens.
  • Concurrency Control: Prevents reentrancy and race conditions.
  • User-Paid Resource Creation: Users pay for the resources they initialize, aligning costs with resource usage and discouraging abuse.
  • Resource Isolation: Each user's resources are managed independently, maintaining data integrity and security.

Repository Structure

  • Project documentation.
  • Move.toml: Move package configuration file.
  • sources/: Contains the staking module source code.
  • tests/: Contains unit tests for the staking module.


  • Move CLI: Installed on your machine. Move CLI Installation Guide
  • Git: Version control system installed.
  • Aptos Node or Network Access: Access to the target blockchain you're deploying to.


Clone the Repository

git clone
cd your-github-repo

Install Dependencies

Ensure you have the necessary dependencies specified in Move.toml.

Building the Project

Compile the Move modules:

move package build

This command compiles the Move modules and checks for any errors.

Running Tests

Execute the unit tests:

move package test

This command runs the unit tests located in the tests/ directory, ensuring that the staking module functions as expected.


To deploy the modules to the blockchain, use the following command:

move package publish --url <node_url> --private-key <your_private_key>
  • <node_url>: The URL of the blockchain node you're connecting to.
  • <your_private_key>: Your private key for the account deploying the module.

Note: Make sure you understand the security implications of using your private key in commands. Consider using environment variables or a secure key management system.


Initial Setup

Initialize the Admin Account

This step only needs to be done once by the admin.


Initialize Configuration with Treasury Address

Set the treasury address where staked tokens will be held.

TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::initialize_config(&admin_signer, treasury_address);

Staking Tokens

Users can stake tokens by calling the stake function.

TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::stake<CoinType>(&user_signer, amount);
  • user_signer: The signer's account of the user staking tokens.
  • CoinType: The type of token being staked (e.g., AptosCoin).
  • amount: The amount of tokens to stake (must be greater than zero).


TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::stake<AptosCoin>(&user_signer, 100_000);

Unstaking Tokens

Users can unstake tokens and receive them back from the treasury.

TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::unstake<CoinType>(&user_signer, amount);
  • user_signer: The signer's account of the user unstaking tokens.
  • CoinType: The type of token being unstaked.
  • amount: The amount of tokens to unstake (must be greater than zero).


TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::unstake<AptosCoin>(&user_signer, 50_000);

Calculating Token Days Destroyed (TDD)

Users can calculate their total TDD for a specific CoinType.

let tdd = TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::calculate_token_days_destroyed<CoinType>(user_address);
  • user_address: The address of the user whose TDD is being calculated.
  • tdd: The returned Token Days Destroyed value (u128).


let tdd = TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::calculate_token_days_destroyed<AptosCoin>(user_address);

Getting Staked Amount

Users can retrieve their staked amount for a specific CoinType.

let staked_amount = TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::get_staked_amount<CoinType>(user_address);
  • staked_amount: An Option<u64> containing the user's staked amount if they have staked tokens.


let staked_amount = TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::get_staked_amount<AptosCoin>(user_address);

Cleaning Up Staker Resource

Users can destroy their Staker resource if they have a zero staked amount for a specific CoinType.




Admin Functions

Transferring Admin Rights

The admin can transfer admin rights to a new address.

TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::transfer_admin(&admin_signer, new_admin_address);
  • new_admin_address: The address of the new admin.

Emergency Withdrawal

The admin can withdraw tokens not part of the staked balances.

TokenDaysDestroyedStaking::emergency_withdraw<CoinType>(&admin_signer, amount);
  • CoinType: The type of token to withdraw.
  • amount: The amount to withdraw.

Note: The admin cannot withdraw tokens that are part of the staked balances.

Error Handling

The module uses descriptive error messages to help identify issues. Assertions are used to enforce conditions, and Move's built-in error handling will abort transactions if assertions fail.


The module includes unit tests located in the tests/ directory. These tests cover various scenarios, including:

  • Staking and unstaking tokens without prior admin setup for the CoinType.
  • Calculating Token Days Destroyed.
  • Transferring admin rights.
  • Ensuring only the staker can withdraw their tokens.
  • Verifying that the admin cannot access stakers' tokens.

To run the tests:

move package test


We welcome contributions from the team! Please follow these guidelines:

  1. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  2. Ensure all tests pass before submitting a pull request.
  3. Follow coding standards: Maintain consistent code formatting and documentation.
  4. Write tests for new features or bug fixes.
  5. Submit a Pull Request: Provide a clear description of your changes and any relevant issue numbers.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


For questions or discussions, please open an issue in the repository or contact the project maintainer:


Setting Up Development Environment

  • Install Move CLI: Follow the instructions on the Move CLI Installation Guide.
  • Set Up Aptos Environment: If deploying to Aptos, ensure you have access to an Aptos node or testnet.

Helpful Commands

  • Compile Modules: move package build
  • Run Tests: move package test
  • Publish Modules: move package publish --url <node_url> --private-key <your_private_key>
  • Clean Build Artifacts: move package clean


  • Compilation Errors: Ensure all dependencies are correctly specified in Move.toml.
  • Test Failures: Check the error messages and ensure the tests are updated to reflect any changes in the module.


  • Aptos Framework: The module depends on the Aptos Framework for standard functionalities like Coin, CoinStore, and Block. Ensure the dependencies are correctly specified in your Move.toml:
AptosFramework = { git = "", subdir = "aptos-move/framework/aptos-framework/", rev = "main" }


This README file provides all the necessary information for your team to understand, build, test, deploy, and use the Token Days Destroyed Staking Module. It serves as a central reference point for collaboration and project maintenance, incorporating the detailed intended behavior, auditor's comments, and updated module usage instructions.


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