- Make sure the treebank data is in '/z/data/treebank_text/'.
- For NER and Chunking, the datasets are available in this repository.
- For NER and Chunking, the IOB tagging scheme is used. Note that this is different from the IOBES tagging scheme used in the paper.
Example command lines:
th main.lua -task POS -mode train -gpu 4 -desc "POS experiment"
- Specifies the task to be POS (Options: POS/NER/Chunking)
- Training mode
- GPU 4 is to be used
- The description of the experiment is "POS experiment". This description will be appended as a new line to 'results/descriptions' with a number at the beginning. A folder will be created in 'results' with this number as its name and all the training files, logs will be stored in this directory.
- To reuse the previous directory, specify '-desc 0'
- During training a model checkpoint will be saved to 'results/N/models' (where N is the folder number)
- Once the model is trained, a log of train and validation performances (train_errors, val_errors) will be available in 'results/N/models/'. These logs can be used to choose an optimal model.
th main.lua -task POS -mode test -gpu 4
- Evaluates a previously trained model on the test set for the task.
- Make sure the pre-trained model is specified in pre_init_mdl_path and pre_init_mdl_name in main.lua (line numbers 62, 63) which respectively indicate the folder in which the trained model is stored (in results) and the model id.
th main.lua -task POS -mode demo -gpu 4 -input "This is a great course ."
- Runs the pre-trained model on an input sentence. As for the test mode, make sure that the pre-trained model is specified in main.lua
- Sample output: 'This/DT is/VBZ a/DT great/JJ course/NN ./.'
Modify other parameters in main.lua for training as necessary
The demo version is currently supported only for the Word Level Likelihood objective. Demo support for the Sentence Level Likelihood objective will be added soon.