- Z. Yang, M.J. Buehler, Linking Atomic Structural Defects to Mesoscale Properties in Crystalline Solids using Graph Neural Networks, npj Computational Materials, DOI: 10.1038/s41524-022-00879-4, 2022
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Three datasets are given: Al/Poly, Graphene/Poly, Graphene/Porous
- The datasets can be found in the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w3b8u0i63r2y1kq/AACF8mukZ9nDdG4MGj3F1kCUa?dl=0
Custom dataset
- There are 3 files needed to form a dataset: edge.txt, node_features.txt, node_labels.txt. Formats are shown below.
- edge.txt: two rows for each data. Both rows are node indices that one edge connects. The length of the row corresponds to the number of edge.
Data0 0 0 0 ...
Data0 1 2 6 ...
- node_features.txt: The number of rows for each data depends on the input dimension. E.g, if the input is [x, y, z],then there are 3 rows for each data, one for x, one for y, the other for z.
Data0 0.0 0.125 ...
Data0 0.0 0.0 ...
Data0 0.0 0.125 ...
- node_labels.txt: Currently we only train on 1D node label.
Data0 100050 560992 ...
Train and test
- Put the three data files named as "edge.txt", "node_features.txt" and "node_labels.txt" under "./data" folder. (You can also specify your own data path using --data_path argument)
- Check optional arguments for training
python PNA.py -h
- Training (Use Polygraphene dataset as an example): we suggest using multiple GPUs given the high memory requirement.
python PNA.py --data_path "./data/" --batch_size 16 --input_dim 3 --num_layer 6 --max_degree 9
- Check optional arguments for testing
python test.py -h
- Testing (Use same arguments as training):
python test.py --data_path "./data/" --batch_size 16 --input_dim 3 --num_layer 6 --max_degree 9 --ckpt_path "./pretrained/Graphene/Poly/ckpt/pretrained.pt"
Pretrained models
- Pretrained models are saved as .pt files corresponding to the three datasets in the folder "pretrained" (models are trained on 4 V100 GPUs).
- "Graphene/poly" for von Mises stress field prediction in polycrystalline graphene; "Graphene/Porous" for tensile stress (sxx) field prediction in porous graphene membrane; "Al/Poly" for potential energy distribution prediction in polycrystalline aluminum.
- The details of architectures of pretrained models can be found in the paper.
- Z. Yang, M.J. Buehler, Linking Atomic Structural Defects to Mesoscale Properties in Crystalline Solids using Graph Neural Networks, npj Computational Materials, DOI: 10.1038/s41524-022-00879-4, 2022