Doc for workshop:
- Uikit ( - Lots of useful components, lightweight and a better gridding system than material design
- Svelte
- Firebase
- src
- lib - each lib folder has index files to bulk export
- classes - reusable library classes that hold commonly needed information
- firebaseHelper.ts - accesses firestore data and adds to firestore
- components - generally for reusable components that limit copy/pasting the same code
- descriptionList.svelte - outputs list of posts entry descriptions
- descriptionListItem.svelte - outputs single post
- interfaces - data types
- descriptionListItem.interface.ts - descriptionListItem interface
- post.interface.ts - post interface
- routes - different pages
- blog.svelte - blog post page structure
- home.svelte - home page structure
- classes - reusable library classes that hold commonly needed information
- lib - each lib folder has index files to bulk export
- app.svelte - page with routes information and global styling
- Install npm
- Run the following:
npm -g install vite
sudo !! # if first didnt work
npm init vite
- Complete prompts from the last command to create your svelte app!
- Open the Terminal app on Mac or Linux; Powershell on Windows. Clone the repo and install packages with the workshop code with the following commands:
git clone
cd git-workshop
npm install
If you run into errors running npm install
please head over to and follow instructions on downloading Node / NPM.
For this workshop I will be using VS Code to run through the code.
- Similar to react if used before, there is no clear structure so I added a folder structure section in this guide to show how I structured the code for this workshop
- Hopefully this can be used as a template for your projects but I'll walk through some code written in this workshop and you can refer to the libraries used and file structure section for reference
Head to the firebase console to start adding firebase to your project
Start by clicking "Add project" with the + sign or you may use an existing project
Then in the menu click "All products" and look for "Cloud Firestore"
By default, firestore disables all reads and writes so go under "Rules" and change read write to "true"
Then that should be most of what you need in order to start using/adding to your database. Please switch it back to false at the end of hackathon to prevent others from using your database.
In the following file:
import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
import { getFirestore } from "firebase/firestore";
import { collection, addDoc, getDocs } from "firebase/firestore";
import { writable } from "svelte/store";
import type { _Post } from "../interfaces";
export default class FirebaseHelper {
// Config information to use specific firebase project
private firebaseConfig = {
authDomain: "<PROJECT_ID>",
projectId: "<PROJECT_ID>",
// Initialize Firebase
private app = initializeApp(this.firebaseConfig);
// Initialize Cloud Firestore and get a reference to the service
private db = getFirestore(;
// Use writable to add state which will help reload page on retrieval of posts
posts = writable({}, );
constructor() {
const posts = {}
// Get all docs and loop through the snapshots to update posts dictionary
getDocs(collection(this.db, "post")).then(docSnap => {
docSnap.forEach(doc => {
posts[] = {id:,};
addPost(post) {
// Add a new document with a new generated id.
return addDoc(collection(this.db, "post"), post).then(docRef =>;
"projects": {
"default": "<PROJECT-ID>"
Update the fields that show <PROJECT_ID>
to the project id shown in your project settings page click on the "gear" icon to get there
- Then you can run the project with
npm run dev
- Go to the assigned localhost url shown on the screen once completed building
- Add a few blog posts and refresh the page or look on your firestore database page to see the results!
- Now I'll discuss some information on the FirebaseHelper class and you can again use the file structure section for reference
- Run the following command in your terminal to install/update firebase:
sudo npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
- Run through the commands in the firebase login prompts and then run the following commands:
npm run build
firebase deploy --only hosting