Wallet and Minimal Proxy contracts.Wallet contract can be used to transfer different types of ERC20 tokens from different addresses.WalletProxy contract impliments the Minimal Proxy pattern(EIP1167) adapted from Vyper's create_forward_to method.The WalletLogic contract is located at contracts/WalletLogic.sol while the WalletProxy contract is located at contracts/WalletProxy.sol.DegenToken.sol and ApeToken.sol are ERC20 token contracts.They can be transfered to and from the WalletLogic contract.
git clone https://github.com/lastshodan/WalletProxy
Please use the following commands:
->cd WalletProxy
->npm install
->truffle console
->truffle(development)> compile
you can also compile using Hardhat ----> #npx hardhat compile
->truffle(development)> migrate --reset
you can also deploy using Hardhat -----> #npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
run tests by:
->truffle(development)> test
You can use the above commands by spinning up Ganache-CLI.