This program will find exchange rates for a provided currency from foreign-exchange providers listed in the data references below. The base currency for all exchange rates is Canadian Dollars (CAD).
- The Bank of Nova Scotia
- Kingmark Currency Exchange
- Happy Currency Exchange
- Charlie's Currency Exchange
- Gastown Collectables Inc. Currency Exchange
Clone the repository in your local machine:
$ git clone [email protected]:lauraguevara97/Best_Rate_Finder.git
Install Python in Linux with:
$ sudo apt-get install python3
For other operating systems follow the instructions here.
The libraries used in this project are:
- Pandas
- Element Tree XML
- Requests
- OpenPyXL
To install the required libraries, run the following command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
We will now assume that Python 3 and the required libraries are installed on your machine.
Run the program:
$ python <currency code>
The program takes an input for the counter currency.
The <currency code>
command line argument must be one of the following:
The output will be an excel file named output.xlsx
(located in the project directory) containing four sheets:
- Currency code Buys: Data for given currency code
- Buys: Buying data for all currency codes
- Sells: Selling data for all currency codes
- Best Buys: Place that buys currency highest
To see a simple example use this command:
$ python USD
A new file named output.xlsx is created in the project directory. Use Excel to view the data.
GitHub was used to track all modifications and new implementations. For the full history, see the commits on this repository.
- Laura Guevara
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.