oneAPI Threading Building Blocks (oneTBB)
ROS package to find a rigid-body transformation between a LiDAR and a camera for "LiDAR-Camera Calibration using 3D-3D Point correspondences"
This software (CMVS) takes the output of a structure-from-motion (SfM) software as input, then decomposes the input images into a set of image clusters of managable size. An MVS software can be use…
Autonomous Navigation and Collision Avoidance for Ground Robots
Depth Enhanced Monocular Odometry (camera and lidar version)
A ros tool for converting Robosense pointcloud to Velodyne pointcloud format.
ROS packages for Velodyne 3D LIDARs provided by Robo@FIT group.
iSAM is an optimization library for sparse nonlinear problems as encountered in simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM).
loam SLAM with continuous scanning 2D laser, modified to work under ROS indigo and catkin
Comparing a OpenCV's reprojectImageTo3D to my own
laws90s / 3DUNDERWORLD-Structured-Light-Scanner
Forked from theICTlab/3DUNDERWORLD-Structured-Light-Scanner[3DUNDERWORLD-SLS] High-accuracy Structured-Light Scanner.
laws90s / neuvision
Forked from donaldlee2008/neuvisionStructured Light based 3D scanner