This library is deprecated in reason of Administration-Zero
This is The Construct. It's our rails template, it has almost everything. From beautiful layout to production ready setup, javascript components and good practices to learn.
$ git clone
$ rails new awesome-rails -d=postgresql --webpack=stimulus -m ~/RailsProjects/the_construct/template.rb
- Stisla Admin Template
- TurboLinks
- Stimulus
- Scaffolds
- Heroku Ready
- Hybrid Mobile Architecture Ready
- DHH development practices
- ScreenCast
The construct integrates Stisla Admin Template with modern rails ecosystem tools like Webpack, Turbolinks and Stimulus JS, bringing a sophisticated implementation and maximum performance without SPA hassle.
The construct replaces default scaffold template with a new one focused on production. Some features are:
- Sortable and filterable
- Infinite scroll pagination
- Exportable data
- Input masks
- Select with autocomplete on references fields
- Toastr plugin to show flash messages
- HTML5 client side validation integration
- Ajax form post with turbolinks handlers
- API and WEB share controllers
- Self generated system tests
The construct comes with some opinionated configurations and addons that should be on any production application like:
- Heroku Redis for data store and caching.
- PaperTrail or any other for logging.
- SendGrid for email delivery.
- RackRatelimit for blocking & throttling abusive requests.
- AssetHost configured to ENV['CLOUDFRONT_URL'].
- Sidekiq as queue adapter.
- Force SSL.
The construct is a Majestic Monolith template so it is full compatible with TurboLinks IOS, TurboLinks Android or React Native TurboLinks. After create a new project you can easily port it to a IOS/Android APP.
Rails ~> 6.0.0