Debian | RedHat | Docker |
deb - signature | rpm - signature | docker run -d --name=influxdb-srelay_instance00 -p 9096:9096 -v /mylocal/conf:/etc/influxdb-srelay/conf -v /mylocal/log:/var/log/influxdb-srelay/log tonimoreno/influxdb-srelay |
Maintained fork of influxdb-relay originally developed by InfluxData, with additions from Refactored to add advanced data routing, transforamation and filtering.
Be careful, we have deeply changed the configuration file syntax from both versions original from InfluxData and also from veepep-moc.
This project adds an advanced routing layer to any HTTP based InfluxDB queries.
Other versions will probably work but are untested.
Download the daemon into your $GOPATH
and install it in /usr/sbin
go get -u
cp ${GOPATH}/bin/influxdb-srelay /usr/bin/influxdb-srelay
chmod 755 /usr/bin/influxdb-srelay
Create the configuration file in /etc/influxdb-srelay
mkdir -p /etc/influxdb-srelay
mkdir -p /var/log/influxdb-srelay
cp ${GOPATH}/src/ \
Use the pre-built image with the configuration file as the correct filename.
Build your own image need for docker-ce > 17.05 ( or equivalent ee version )
git clone [email protected]:toni-moreno/influxdb-srelay
cd influxdb-srelay
docker build \
--file Dockerfile \
--rm \
--tag influxdb-srelay:latest \
docker run \
--volume /path/to/influxdb-srelay.conf:/etc/influxdb-srelay/influxdb-srelay.conf
Docker pull our image.
docker pull tonimoreno/influxdb-srelay:latest
docker run \
--volume /path/to/influxdb-srelay.conf:/etc/influxdb-srelay/influxdb-srelay.conf
Architecture description:
DB Backend: A DB backend is a reference for each OSS influxDB individual instances.
InfluxCluster: a set of
DB Backends
working together and the item to route http request to. -
HTTP Input: Is an HTTP listener waiting for HTTP connections, each HTTP Object listens for user configured
HTTP Endpoints
or also administrative tasks/health
HTTP Endpoint: User configured endpoint (tipically
on InfluxDB 1.X data) to send "WR" or retrieve "RD" data. Each endpoint has an associated source format (Influx Line Protocol, Influx Query Language, etc). If one query match the user endpoint it begins to check for matchingRoutes
in sequential order and only until one route matches. -
HTTP Route: An HTTP Route defines the way to handle the incomming HTTP request that matches the enpoint. The route is only applied if all its
Route Filters
matches and will be handled by eachRoute Rule
in sequencial order. If any definedRoute Filters
match the HTTP request its evaluated by the next route. -
Route Filter: A way to define a condition over incomming HTTP or DATA parameters, when condition becomes true the route will be matched.
Route Rule: A rule is a way to handle incomming query or data. Rules could route over
as many times as it is needed, or data filtering and/or transformation, there is some rule "types" defined each one with its way to work, you can see config parameters descritptions on example config
You can find some configurations in examples folder.
The following config enables user separate k8s namespaces labeled metrics on diferent databases with the namespace name (databases in the backends should be previously created)
This endpoint is a compatible InfluxDB /ping endpoint with ExtraHeaders.
curl -I http://localhost:9096/ping
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
X-Influx-Srelay-Version: 0.2.0
X-Influxdb-Version: Influx-Smart-Relay
Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 07:27:03 GMT
#curl -I http://localhost:9096/ping/mycluster
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
X-Influx-Srelay-Version: 0.2.0
X-Influxdb-Version: Influx-Smart-Relay
Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 07:31:39 GMT
This endpoint provides a quick way to check if the listener is working. Use it as health check for external load balancers
# curl -I http://localhost:9096/health
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 4
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 07:23:03 GMT
This endpoint provides a quick way to check the state of all the backends for the selected cluster with its clusterid. It will return a JSON object with the status of all backends defined on cluster:
"status": "problem",
"problem": {
"local-influxdb01": "KO. Get http://influxdb/ping: dial tcp: lookup influxdb on no such host"
"healthy": {
"local-influxdb02": "OK. Time taken 3ms"
If the relay encounters an error while checking a backend, this backend will be reported with the associated error in the problems
The backends wich the relay was able to communicate with will be reported in the healthy object.
The status field is a summary of the general state of the backends, the defined states are as follows:
: all backends are OKproblem
: some backends but no all of them, return errorscritical
: all backends return an error
Whereas data manipulation relies on the /write
endpoint, some other features
such as database or user management are based on the /query
endpoint. As
InfluxDB SRelay does not send back a response body to the client(s), we are not
able to forward all of the features this endpoint provides. Still, we decided
to expose it through the /admin/<clusterid>
Its usage is the same as the standard /query
Influx DB endpoint
curl -i -XPOST http://localhost:9096/admin/cluster_caas --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE test_4"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 580
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Wed, 22 May 2019 14:43:17 GMT
"Msg": "Cluster cluster_caas : Admin Action q=CREATE%20DATABASE%20test_4: OK",
"Responses": [
"Body": "{\"results\":[{}]}",
"Serverid": "influxdb01",
"Clusterid": "cluster_caas",
"Location": "",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"ContentEncoding": "",
"StatusCode": 200
"Body": "{\"results\":[{\"statement_id\":0}]}\n",
"Serverid": "influxdb02",
"Clusterid": "cluster_caas",
"Location": "",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"ContentEncoding": "",
"StatusCode": 200
Output will show in json format an Msg and and Responses array with response with each backend in the cluster.
This endpoint provides a quick way to get InfluxCluster Backends Data and statistics.(work in progress...)
2019-05-29 22:07:12 INF bk_duration_ms=20.070535 duration_ms=64.696947 latency_ms=44.685575 method=POST referer= returnsize=0 source= status=204 trace-route="http:example-http-influxdb2> rt:telegraf> decode:ILP> rule:rename_mem_measurement_to_mem_2> rule:to_namespace_metrics> rule:route_all_data_to_cluster_linux> " url=/write?db=telegraf user=admin user-agent=telegraf write-points=26 write-size=5570
- Time : time what request has been responsed ( and also this log entry has been written)
- INF : no special meanning
- source: the IP:PORT source address
- method: the HTTP method used (GET/POST/HEAD/....)
- user: the username who did the request
- url: the requested url
- referer: identifies the address of the webpage (i.e. the URI or IRI) that linked to the resource being requested
- user-agent: identifies the client software originating the request,
- write-size: The body size for the request ()
- trace-route: A string which a chained processors id's which has been used by the request
- write-points: When decoded data (depends on the selected route) smart relay shows how many points has been requested to write.
- status: HTTP response status generated by the request
- returnsize: the body size of the response
- duration_ms: complete response duration from first incomming until build and sent the outgoing response
- bk_duration_ms: time taken by our backends to process and answer us our "new" requests.
- latency_ms: time taken by the smart-relay to do its routing/transformation work.
So far,this is compatible with Debian, RedHat, and other derivatives.
Please read carefully before making a merge request.
Clone repository into your $GOPATH
mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/
cd ${GOPATH}/src/
git clone [email protected]:toni-moreno/influxdb-srelay
Enter the directory and build the daemon.
cd ${GOPATH}/src/
go build -a -ldflags '-extldflags "-static"' -o influxdb-srelay