Tags: lbolla/tornado
What's new in Tornado 2.3 ========================= May 31, 2012 ------------ HTTP clients ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient` now supports the same constructor keyword arguments as `AsyncHTTPClient`. * The ``max_clients`` keyword argument to `AsyncHTTPClient.configure` now works. * `tornado.simple_httpclient` now supports the ``OPTIONS`` and ``PATCH`` HTTP methods. * `tornado.simple_httpclient` is better about closing its sockets instead of leaving them for garbage collection. * `tornado.simple_httpclient` correctly verifies SSL certificates for URLs containing IPv6 literals (This bug affected Python 2.5 and 2.6). * `tornado.simple_httpclient` no longer includes basic auth credentials in the ``Host`` header when those credentials are extracted from the URL. * `tornado.simple_httpclient` no longer modifies the caller-supplied header dictionary, which caused problems when following redirects. * `tornado.curl_httpclient` now supports client SSL certificates (using the same ``client_cert`` and ``client_key`` arguments as `tornado.simple_httpclient`) HTTP Server ~~~~~~~~~~~ * `HTTPServer` now works correctly with paths starting with ``//`` * `HTTPHeaders.copy` (inherited from `dict.copy`) now works correctly. * `HTTPConnection.address` is now always the socket address, even for non-IP sockets. `HTTPRequest.remote_ip` is still always an IP-style address (fake data is used for non-IP sockets) * Extra data at the end of multipart form bodies is now ignored, which fixes a compatibility problem with an iOS HTTP client library. ``IOLoop`` and ``IOStream`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `IOStream` now has an ``error`` attribute that can be used to determine why a socket was closed. * `tornado.iostream.IOStream.read_until` and ``read_until_regex`` are much faster with large input. * `IOStream.write` performs better when given very large strings. * `IOLoop.instance()` is now thread-safe. ``tornado.options`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.options` options with ``multiple=True`` that are set more than once now overwrite rather than append. This makes it possible to override values set in `parse_config_file` with `parse_command_line`. * `tornado.options` ``--help`` output is now prettier. * `tornado.options.options` now supports attribute assignment. ``tornado.template`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Template files containing non-ASCII (utf8) characters now work on Python 3 regardless of the locale environment variables. * Templates now support ``else`` clauses in ``try``/``except``/``finally``/``else`` blocks. ``tornado.web`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.web.RequestHandler` now supports the ``PATCH`` HTTP method. Note that this means any existing methods named ``patch`` in ``RequestHandler`` subclasses will need to be renamed. * `tornado.web.addslash` and ``removeslash`` decorators now send permanent redirects (301) instead of temporary (302). * `RequestHandler.flush` now invokes its callback whether there was any data to flush or not. * Repeated calls to `RequestHandler.set_cookie` with the same name now overwrite the previous cookie instead of producing additional copies. * `tornado.web.OutputTransform.transform_first_chunk` now takes and returns a status code in addition to the headers and chunk. This is a backwards-incompatible change to an interface that was never technically private, but was not included in the documentation and does not appear to have been used outside Tornado itself. * Fixed a bug on python versions before 2.6.5 when `URLSpec` regexes are constructed from unicode strings and keyword arguments are extracted. * The ``reverse_url`` function in the template namespace now comes from the `RequestHandler` rather than the `Application`. (Unless overridden, `RequestHandler.reverse_url` is just an alias for the `Application` method). * The ``Etag`` header is now returned on 304 responses to an ``If-None-Match`` request, improving compatibility with some caches. * `tornado.web` will no longer produce responses with status code 304 that also have entity headers such as ``Content-Length``. Other modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.auth.FacebookGraphMixin` no longer sends ``post_args`` redundantly in the url. * The ``extra_params`` argument to `tornado.escape.linkify` may now be a callable, to allow parameters to be chosen separately for each link. * `tornado.gen` no longer leaks `StackContexts` when a ``@gen.engine`` wrapped function is called repeatedly. * `tornado.locale.get_supported_locales` no longer takes a meaningless ``cls`` argument. * `StackContext` instances now have a deactivation callback that can be used to prevent further propagation. * `tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase.wait` now resets its timeout on each call. * `tornado.wsgi.WSGIApplication` now parses arguments correctly on Python 3. * Exception handling on Python 3 has been improved; previously some exceptions such as `UnicodeDecodeError` would generate `TypeErrors`
What's new in Tornado 2.2.1 =========================== Apr 23, 2012 ------------ Security fixes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.web.RequestHandler.set_header` now properly sanitizes input values to protect against header injection, response splitting, etc. (it has always attempted to do this, but the check was incorrect). Note that redirects, the most likely source of such bugs, are protected by a separate check in `RequestHandler.redirect`. Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ * Colored logging configuration in `tornado.options` is compatible with Python 3.2.3 (and 3.3).
What's new in Tornado 2.2 ========================= Jan 30, 2012 ------------ Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ * Updated and expanded WebSocket support. * Improved compatibility in the Twisted/Tornado bridge. * Template errors now generate better stack traces. * Better exception handling in `tornado.gen`. Security fixes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.simple_httpclient` now disables SSLv2 in all cases. Previously SSLv2 would be allowed if the Python interpreter was linked against a pre-1.0 version of OpenSSL. Backwards-incompatible changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.process.fork_processes` now raises `SystemExit` if all child processes exit cleanly rather than returning ``None``. The old behavior was surprising and inconsistent with most of the documented examples of this function (which did not check the return value). * On Python 2.6, `tornado.simple_httpclient` only supports SSLv3. This is because Python 2.6 does not expose a way to support both SSLv3 and TLSv1 without also supporting the insecure SSLv2. * `tornado.websocket` no longer supports the older "draft 76" version of the websocket protocol by default, although this version can be enabled by overriding `tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler.allow_draft76`. ``tornado.httpclient`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `SimpleAsyncHTTPClient` no longer hangs on ``HEAD`` requests, responses with no content, or empty ``POST``/``PUT`` response bodies. * `SimpleAsyncHTTPClient` now supports 303 and 307 redirect codes. * `tornado.curl_httpclient` now accepts non-integer timeouts. * `tornado.curl_httpclient` now supports basic authentication with an empty password. ``tornado.httpserver`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `HTTPServer` with ``xheaders=True`` will no longer accept ``X-Real-IP`` headers that don't look like valid IP addresses. * `HTTPServer` now treats the ``Connection`` request header as case-insensitive. ``tornado.ioloop`` and ``tornado.iostream`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `IOStream.write` now works correctly when given an empty string. * `IOStream.read_until` (and ``read_until_regex``) now perform better when there is a lot of buffered data, which improves peformance of `SimpleAsyncHTTPClient` when downloading files with lots of chunks. * `SSLIOStream` now works correctly when ``ssl_version`` is set to a value other than ``SSLv23``. * Idle ``IOLoops`` no longer wake up several times a second. * `tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback` no longer triggers duplicate callbacks when stopped and started repeatedly. ``tornado.template`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Exceptions in template code will now show better stack traces that reference lines from the original template file. * ``{#`` and ``#}`` can now be used for comments (and unlike the old ``{% comment %}`` directive, these can wrap other template directives). * Template directives may now span multiple lines. ``tornado.web`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Now behaves better when given malformed ``Cookie`` headers * `RequestHandler.redirect` now has a ``status`` argument to send status codes other than 301 and 302. * New method `RequestHandler.on_finish` may be overridden for post-request processing (as a counterpart to `RequestHandler.prepare`) * `StaticFileHandler` now outputs ``Content-Length`` and ``Etag`` headers on ``HEAD`` requests. * `StaticFileHandler` now has overridable ``get_version`` and ``parse_url_path`` methods for use in subclasses. * `RequestHandler.static_url` now takes an ``include_host`` parameter (in addition to the old support for the `RequestHandler.include_host` attribute). ``tornado.websocket`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Updated to support the latest version of the protocol, as finalized in RFC 6455. * Many bugs were fixed in all supported protocol versions. * `tornado.websocket` no longer supports the older "draft 76" version of the websocket protocol by default, although this version can be enabled by overriding `tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler.allow_draft76`. * `WebSocketHandler.write_message` now accepts a ``binary`` argument to send binary messages. * Subprotocols (i.e. the ``Sec-WebSocket-Protocol`` header) are now supported; see the `WebSocketHandler.select_subprotocol` method for details. * `WebSocketHandler.get_websocket_scheme` can be used to select the appropriate url scheme (``ws://`` or ``wss://``) in cases where `HTTPRequest.protocol` is not set correctly. Other modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.auth.TwitterMixin.authenticate_redirect` now takes a ``callback_uri`` parameter. * `tornado.auth.TwitterMixin.twitter_request` now accepts both URLs and partial paths (complete URLs are useful for the search API which follows different patterns). * Exception handling in `tornado.gen` has been improved. It is now possible to catch exceptions thrown by a ``Task``. * `tornado.netutil.bind_sockets` now works when ``getaddrinfo`` returns duplicate addresses. * `tornado.platform.twisted` compatibility has been significantly improved. Twisted version 11.1.0 is now supported in addition to 11.0.0. * `tornado.process.fork_processes` correctly reseeds the `random` module even when `os.urandom` is not implemented. * `tornado.testing.main` supports a new flag ``--exception_on_interrupt``, which can be set to false to make ``Ctrl-C`` kill the process more reliably (at the expense of stack traces when it does so). * `tornado.version_info` is now a four-tuple so official releases can be distinguished from development branches.
What's new in Tornado 2.1.1 =========================== Oct 4, 2011 ----------- Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ * Fixed handling of closed connections with the ``epoll`` (i.e. Linux) ``IOLoop``. Previously, closed connections could be shut down too early, which most often manifested as "Stream is closed" exceptions in ``SimpleAsyncHTTPClient``. * Fixed a case in which chunked responses could be closed prematurely, leading to truncated output. * ``IOStream.connect`` now reports errors more consistently via logging and the close callback (this affects e.g. connections to localhost on FreeBSD). * ``IOStream.read_bytes`` again accepts both ``int`` and ``long`` arguments. * ``PeriodicCallback`` no longer runs repeatedly when ``IOLoop`` iterations complete faster than the resolution of ``time.time()`` (mainly a problem on Windows). Backwards-compatibility note ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Listening for ``IOLoop.ERROR`` alone is no longer sufficient for detecting closed connections on an otherwise unused socket. ``IOLoop.ERROR`` must always be used in combination with ``READ`` or ``WRITE``.
What's new in Tornado 2.1 ========================= Sep 20, 2011 ------------ Backwards-incompatible changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Support for secure cookies written by pre-1.0 releases of Tornado has been removed. The `RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie` method no longer takes an ``include_name`` parameter. * The ``debug`` application setting now causes stack traces to be displayed in the browser on uncaught exceptions. Since this may leak sensitive information, debug mode is not recommended for public-facing servers. Security fixes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Diginotar has been removed from the default CA certificates file used by `SimpleAsyncHTTPClient`. New modules ~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.gen`: A generator-based interface to simplify writing asynchronous functions. * `tornado.netutil`: Parts of `tornado.httpserver` have been extracted into a new module for use with non-HTTP protocols. * `tornado.platform.twisted`: A bridge between the Tornado IOLoop and the Twisted Reactor, allowing code written for Twisted to be run on Tornado. * `tornado.process`: Multi-process mode has been improved, and can now restart crashed child processes. A new entry point has been added at `tornado.process.fork_processes`, although `tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer.start` is still supported. ``tornado.web`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.web.RequestHandler.write_error` replaces ``get_error_html`` as the preferred way to generate custom error pages (``get_error_html`` is still supported, but deprecated) * In `tornado.web.Application`, handlers may be specified by (fully-qualified) name instead of importing and passing the class object itself. * It is now possible to use a custom subclass of ``StaticFileHandler`` with the ``static_handler_class`` application setting, and this subclass can override the behavior of the ``static_url`` method. * `~tornado.web.StaticFileHandler` subclasses can now override ``get_cache_time`` to customize cache control behavior. * `tornado.web.RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie` now has a ``max_age_days`` parameter to allow applications to override the default one-month expiration. * `~tornado.web.RequestHandler.set_cookie` now accepts a ``max_age`` keyword argument to set the ``max-age`` cookie attribute (note underscore vs dash) * `tornado.web.RequestHandler.set_default_headers` may be overridden to set headers in a way that does not get reset during error handling. * `RequestHandler.add_header` can now be used to set a header that can appear multiple times in the response. * `RequestHandler.flush` can now take a callback for flow control. * The ``application/json`` content type can now be gzipped. * The cookie-signing functions are now accessible as static functions `tornado.web.create_signed_value` and `tornado.web.decode_signed_value`. ``tornado.httpserver`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * To facilitate some advanced multi-process scenarios, ``HTTPServer`` has a new method ``add_sockets``, and socket-opening code is available separately as `tornado.netutil.bind_sockets`. * The ``cookies`` property is now available on `tornado.httpserver.HTTPRequest` (it is also available in its old location as a property of `~tornado.web.RequestHandler`) * `tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer.bind` now takes a backlog argument with the same meaning as ``socket.listen``. * `~tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer` can now be run on a unix socket as well as TCP. * Fixed exception at startup when ``socket.AI_ADDRCONFIG`` is not available, as on Windows XP ``IOLoop`` and ``IOStream`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `~tornado.iostream.IOStream` performance has been improved, especially for small synchronous requests. * New methods `tornado.iostream.IOStream.read_until_close` and `tornado.iostream.IOStream.read_until_regex`. * `IOStream.read_bytes` and `IOStream.read_until_close` now take a ``streaming_callback`` argument to return data as it is received rather than all at once. * `IOLoop.add_timeout` now accepts `datetime.timedelta` objects in addition to absolute timestamps. * `~tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback` now sticks to the specified period instead of creeping later due to accumulated errors. * `tornado.ioloop.IOLoop` and `tornado.httpclient.HTTPClient` now have ``close()`` methods that should be used in applications that create and destroy many of these objects. * `IOLoop.install` can now be used to use a custom subclass of IOLoop as the singleton without monkey-patching. * `~tornado.iostream.IOStream` should now always call the close callback instead of the connect callback on a connection error. * The `IOStream` close callback will no longer be called while there are pending read callbacks that can be satisfied with buffered data. ``tornado.simple_httpclient`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Now supports client SSL certificates with the ``client_key`` and ``client_cert`` parameters to `tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest` * Now takes a maximum buffer size, to allow reading files larger than 100MB * Now works with HTTP 1.0 servers that don't send a Content-Length header * The ``allow_nonstandard_methods`` flag on HTTP client requests now permits methods other than ``POST`` and ``PUT`` to contain bodies. * Fixed file descriptor leaks and multiple callback invocations in `SimpleAsyncHTTPClient` * No longer consumes extra connection resources when following redirects. * Now works with buggy web servers that separate headers with ``\n`` instead of ``\r\n\r\n``. * Now sets ``response.request_time`` correctly. * Connect timeouts now work correctly. Other modules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * `tornado.auth.OpenIDMixin` now uses the correct realm when the callback URI is on a different domain. * `tornado.autoreload` has a new command-line interface which can be used to wrap any script. This replaces the ``--autoreload`` argument to `tornado.testing.main` and is more robust against syntax errors. * `tornado.autoreload.watch` can be used to watch files other than the sources of imported modules. * `tornado.database.Connection` has new variants of ``execute`` and ``executemany`` that return the number of rows affected instead of the last inserted row id. * `tornado.locale.load_translations` now accepts any properly-formatted locale name, not just those in the predefined ``LOCALE_NAMES`` list. * `tornado.options.define` now takes a ``group`` parameter to group options in ``--help`` output. * Template loaders now take a ``namespace`` constructor argument to add entries to the template namespace. * `tornado.websocket` now supports the latest ("hybi-10") version of the protocol (the old version, "hixie-76" is still supported; the correct version is detected automatically). * `tornado.websocket` now works on Python 3 Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ * Windows support has been improved. Windows is still not an officially supported platform, but the test suite now passes and `tornado.autoreload` works. * Uploading files whose names contain special characters will now work. * Cookie values containing special characters are now properly quoted and unquoted. * Multi-line headers are now supported. * Repeated Content-Length headers (which may be added by certain proxies) are now supported in `HTTPServer`. * Unicode string literals now work in template expressions. * The template ``{% module %}`` directive now works even if applications use a template variable named ``modules``. * Requests with "Expect: 100-continue" now work on python 3
Major changes: * Template output is automatically escaped by default; see backwards compatibility note below. * The default AsyncHTTPClient implementation is now simple_httpclient. * Python 3.2 is now supported. Backwards compatibility: * Template autoescaping is enabled by default. Applications upgrading from a previous release of Tornado must either disable autoescaping or adapt their templates to work with it. For most applications, the simplest way to do this is to pass autoescape=None to the Application constructor. * Applications that wish to continue using curl_httpclient instead of simple_httpclient may do so by calling AsyncHTTPClient.configure("tornado.curl_httpclient.CurlAsyncHTTPClient") at the beginning of the process. Users of Python 2.5 will probably want to use curl_httpclient as simple_httpclient only supports ssl on Python 2.6+. * Python 3 compatibility involved many changes throughout the codebase, so users are encouraged to test their applications more thoroughly than usual when upgrading to this release. Other changes in this release: * Templates support several new directives: - {% autoescape ...%} to control escaping behavior - {% raw ... %} for unescaped output - {% module ... %} for calling UIModules * {% module Template(path, **kwargs) %} may now be used to call another template with an independent namespace * All IOStream callbacks are now run directly on the IOLoop via add_callback. * HTTPServer now supports IPv6 where available. To disable, pass family=socket.AF_INET to HTTPServer.bind(). * HTTPClient now supports IPv6, configurable via allow_ipv6=bool on the HTTPRequest. allow_ipv6 defaults to false on simple_httpclient and true on curl_httpclient. * RequestHandlers can use an encoding other than utf-8 for query parameters by overriding decode_argument() * Performance improvements, especially for applications that use a lot of IOLoop timeouts * HTTP OPTIONS method no longer requires an XSRF token. * JSON output (RequestHandler.write(dict)) now sets Content-Type to application/json * Etag computation can now be customized or disabled by overriding RequestHandler.compute_etag * USE_SIMPLE_HTTPCLIENT environment variable is no longer supported. Use AsyncHTTPClient.configure instead.
We are pleased to announce the release of Tornado 1.2.1, available from http://github.com/downloads/facebook/tornado/tornado-1.2.1.tar.gz This release contains only two small changes relative to version 1.2: * FacebookGraphMixin has been updated to work with a recent change to the Facebook API. * Running "setup.py install" will no longer attempt to automatically install pycurl. This wasn't working well on platforms where the best way to install pycurl is via something like apt-get instead of easy_install. This is an important upgrade if you are using FacebookGraphMixin, but otherwise it can be safely ignored. -Ben
We are pleased to announce the release of Tornado 1.2, available from http://github.com/downloads/facebook/tornado/tornado-1.2.tar.gz Backwards compatibility notes: * This release includes the backwards-incompatible security change from version 1.1.1. Users upgrading from 1.1 or earlier should read the release notes from that release: http://groups.google.com/group/python-tornado/browse_thread/thread/b36191c781580cde * StackContexts that do something other than catch exceptions may need to be modified to be reentrant. tornadoweb@7a7e241 * When XSRF tokens are used, the token must also be present on PUT and DELETE requests (anything but GET and HEAD) New features: * A new HTTP client implementation is available in the module tornado.simple_httpclient. This HTTP client does not depend on pycurl. It has not yet been tested extensively in production, but is intended to eventually replace the pycurl-based HTTP client in a future release of Tornado. To transparently replace tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient with this new implementation, you can set the environment variable USE_SIMPLE_HTTPCLIENT=1 (note that the next release of Tornado will likely include a different way to select HTTP client implementations) * Request logging is now done by the Application rather than the RequestHandler. Logging behavior may be customized by either overriding Application.log_request in a subclass or by passing log_function as an Application setting * Application.listen(port): Convenience method as an alternative to explicitly creating an HTTPServer * tornado.escape.linkify(): Wrap urls in <a> tags * RequestHandler.create_signed_value(): Create signatures like the secure_cookie methods without setting cookies. * tornado.testing.get_unused_port(): Returns a port selected in the same way as inAsyncHTTPTestCase * AsyncHTTPTestCase.fetch(): Convenience method for synchronous fetches * IOLoop.set_blocking_signal_threshold(): Set a callback to be run when the IOLoop is blocked. * IOStream.connect(): Asynchronously connect a client socket * AsyncHTTPClient.handle_callback_exception(): May be overridden in subclass for custom error handling * httpclient.HTTPRequest has two new keyword arguments, validate_cert and ca_certs. Setting validate_cert=False will disable all certificate checks when fetching https urls. ca_certs may be set to a filename containing trusted certificate authorities (defaults will be used if this is unspecified) * HTTPRequest.get_ssl_certificate(): Returns the client's SSL certificate (if client certificates were requested in the server's ssl_options * StaticFileHandler can be configured to return a default file (e.g. index.html) when a directory is requested * Template directives of the form "{% from x import y %}" are now supported (in addition to the existing support for "{% import x %}" * FacebookGraphMixin.get_authenticated_user now accepts a new parameter 'extra_fields' which may be used to request additional information about the user Bug fixes: * auth: Fixed KeyError with Facebook offline_access * auth: Uses request.uri instead of request.path as the default redirect so that parameters are preserved. * escape: xhtml_escape() now returns a unicode string, not utf8-encoded bytes * ioloop: Callbacks added with add_callback are now run in the order they were added * ioloop: PeriodicCallback.stop can now be called from inside the callback. * iostream: Fixed several bugs in SSLIOStream * iostream: Detect when the other side has closed the connection even with the select()-based IOLoop * iostream: read_bytes(0) now works as expected * iostream: Fixed bug when writing large amounts of data on windows * iostream: Fixed infinite loop that could occur with unhandled exceptions * httpclient: Fix bugs when some requests use proxies and others don't * httpserver: HTTPRequest.protocol is now set correctly when using the built-in SSL support * httpserver: When using multiple processes, the standard library's random number generator is re-seeded in each child process * httpserver: With xheaders enabled, X-Forwarded-Proto is supported as an alternative to X-Scheme * httpserver: Fixed bugs in multipart/form-data parsing * locale: format_date() now behaves sanely with dates in the future * locale: Updates to the language list * stack_context: Fixed bug with contexts leaking through reused IOStreams * stack_context: Simplified semantics and improved performance * web: The order of css_files from UIModules is now preserved * web: Fixed error with default_host redirect * web: StaticFileHandler works when os.path.sep != '/' (i.e. on Windows) * web: Fixed a caching-related bug in StaticFileHandler when a file's timestamp has changed but its contents have not. * web: Fixed bugs with HEAD requests and e.g. Etag headers * web: Fix bugs when different handlers have different static_paths * web: @removeslash will no longer cause a redirect loop when applied to the root path * websocket: Now works over SSL * websocket: Improved compatibility with proxies Many thanks to everyone who contributed patches, bug reports, and feedback that went into this release! -Ben
Tornado 1.1.1 is a BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE security update that fixes an XSRF vulnerability. It is available at http://github.com/downloads/facebook/tornado/tornado-1.1.1.tar.gz This is a backwards-incompatible change. Applications that previously relied on a blanket exception for XMLHTTPRequest may need to be modified to explicitly include the XSRF token when making ajax requests. The tornado chat demo application demonstrates one way of adding this token (specifically the function postJSON in demos/chat/static/chat.js). More information about this change and its justification can be found at http://www.djangoproject.com/weblog/2011/feb/08/security/ http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2011/2/8/csrf-protection-bypass-in-ruby-on-rails
We are pleased to announce the release of Tornado 1.1, available from http://github.com/downloads/facebook/tornado/tornado-1.1.tar.gz Changes in this release: * RequestHandler.async_callback and related functions in other classes are no longer needed in most cases (although it's harmless to continue using them). Uncaught exceptions will now cause the request to be closed even in a callback. If you're curious how this works, see the new tornado.stack_context module. * The new tornado.testing module contains support for unit testing asynchronous IOLoop-based code. * AsyncHTTPClient has been rewritten (the new implementation was available as AsyncHTTPClient2 in Tornado 1.0; both names are supported for backwards compatibility). * The tornado.auth module has had a number of updates, including support for OAuth 2.0 and the Facebook Graph API, and upgrading Twitter and Google support to OAuth 1.0a. * The websocket module is back and supports the latest version (76) of the websocket protocol. Note that this module's interface is different from the websocket module that appeared in pre-1.0 versions of Tornado. * New method RequestHandler.initialize() can be overridden in subclasses to simplify handling arguments from URLSpecs. The sequence of methods called during initialization is documented at http://tornadoweb.org/documentation#overriding-requesthandler-methods * get_argument() and related methods now work on PUT requests in addition to POST. * The httpclient module now supports HTTP proxies. * When HTTPServer is run in SSL mode, the SSL handshake is now non-blocking. * Many smaller bug fixes and documentation updates Backwards-compatibility notes: * While most users of Tornado should not have to deal with the stack_context module directly, users of worker thread pools and similar constructs may need to use stack_context.wrap and/or NullContext to avoid memory leaks. * The new AsyncHTTPClient still works with libcurl version 7.16.x, but it performs better when both libcurl and pycurl are at least version 7.18.2. * OAuth transactions started under previous versions of the auth module cannot be completed under the new module. This applies only to the initial authorization process; once an authorized token is issued that token works with either version. Many thanks to everyone who contributed patches, bug reports, and feedback that went into this release! -Ben