An opensource OpenWrt variant for mainland China users.
The modern ImmortalWrt proxy platform for ARM64/AMD64 (powered by sing-box)
A multi-platform proxy client based on ClashMeta,simple and easy to use, open-source and ad-free.
⚙️ All-in-One menu bar app, hide 💻MacBook Pro's notch, dark mode, AirPods, Shortcuts
🎈 Updated daily! A list of popular BitTorrent Trackers! / 每天更新!全网热门 BT Tracker 列表!
Nintendo Switch emulator written in C#, originally created by gdkchan.
The mouse and trackpad utility for Mac.
Unlock your displays on your Mac! Flexible HiDPI scaling, XDR/HDR extra brightness, virtual screens, DDC control, extra dimming, PIP/streaming, EDID override and lots more!
[.NET] m3u8 downloader 开源的命令行m3u8/HLS/dash下载器,支持普通AES-128-CBC解密,多线程,自定义请求头等. 支持简体中文,繁体中文和英文. English Supported.
Enable macOS HiDPI and have a native setting.
Vue3 + Pinia 仿抖音,Vue 在移动端的最佳实践 . Imitate TikTok ,Vue Best practices on Mobile
一分钟在线定制编译 X86/64, NanoPi R2S R4S R5S R6S, 斐讯 Phicomm N1 K2P, 树莓派 Raspberry Pi, 香橙派 Orange Pi, 红米AX6, 小米AX3600, 小米AX9000, 红米AX6S 小米AX3200, 红米AC2100, 华硕ASUS, 网件NETGEAR 等主流软硬路由
An open-source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
一个输入法状态(中文/英文/大写锁定)实时提示工具。An input method status (Chinese/English/CapsLock) tip tool.
Cross-Platform, modern and powerful stream downloader for MPD/M3U8/ISM. English/简体中文/繁體中文.
《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
portainer-ce 2.11 中文汉化版docker镜像,支持X86、ARM、ARM64
WIN10/11 自带微软五笔码表与短语替换与管理工具( 可将系统五笔一键替换为郑码、小鹤音形、表形码等 ),软件仅930KB( 绿色免安装 ),已自带郑码、小鹤音形、表形码、五笔86、98、091、新世纪等输入法的各种流行码表。
Continuation of Clash Verge - A Clash Meta GUI based on Tauri (Windows, MacOS, Linux)