This Module allows reading and writing to GATT descriptors on devices such as fitness trackers, sensors, and anything implementing standard GATT Descriptor behavior.
pygatt provides a Pythonic API by wrapping two different backends:
- BlueZ (requires Linux), using the
command-line utility. - Bluegiga's BGAPI, compatible with USB adapters like the BLED112.
Despite the popularity of BLE, we have yet to find a good programming
interface for it on desktop computers. Since most peripherals are
designed to work with smartphones, this space is neglected. One
interactive interface, BlueZ's gatttool
, is functional but difficult
to use programatically. BlueZ itself obviously works, but the interface
leaves something to be desired and only works in Linux.
- Python 2.7.5 or greater, or Python 3.5 or greater
- Python 2.7.3's
library has a bug that will break PyGATT - 2.7.5 - or greater is recommended.
- Python 2.7.3's
- BlueZ 5.18 or greater (with gatttool) - required for the gatttool
backend only.
- Tested on 5.18, 5.21, 5.35 and 5.43
- GATTToolBackend requires Linux (i.e. not Windows compatible)
Install pygatt
with pip from PyPI:
$ pip install pygatt
The BlueZ backend is not supported by default as it requires
, which can only be installed in a UNIX-based environment. If
you wish to use that backend, install the optional dependencies with:
$ pip install "pygatt[GATTTOOL]"
Install the latest development version of pygatt
with pip:
$ pip install git+
The primary API for users of this library is provided by
and pygatt.BLEDevice
. After initializing an
instance of the preferred backend (available implementations are found
in pygatt.backends
, use the BLEBackend.connect
method to connect
to a device and get an instance of BLEDevice.
import pygatt
# The BGAPI backend will attemt to auto-discover the serial device name of the
# attached BGAPI-compatible USB adapter.
adapter = pygatt.BGAPIBackend()
device = adapter.connect('01:23:45:67:89:ab')
value = device.char_read("a1e8f5b1-696b-4e4c-87c6-69dfe0b0093b")
Note that not all backends support connecting to more than 1 device at
at time, so calling BLEBackend.connect
again may terminate existing
Here's the same example using the GATTTool backend. It's identical except for the initialization of the backend:
import pygatt
adapter = pygatt.GATTToolBackend()
device = adapter.connect('01:23:45:67:89:ab')
value = device.char_read("a1e8f5b1-696b-4e4c-87c6-69dfe0b0093b")
This example uses the gatttool backend to connect to a device with a specific MAC address, subscribes for notifications on a characteristic, and prints the data returned in each notification.
import pygatt
from binascii import hexlify
adapter = pygatt.GATTToolBackend()
def handle_data(handle, value):
handle -- integer, characteristic read handle the data was received on
value -- bytearray, the data returned in the notification
print("Received data: %s" % hexlify(value))
device = adapter.connect('01:23:45:67:89:ab')
While debugging software using pygatt, it is often useful to see what's happening inside the library. You can enable debugging logging and have it printed to your terminal with this code:
import pygatt import logging logging.basicConfig() logging.getLogger('pygatt').setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
You may need to explicitly specify the COM port of your BGAPI-compatible device in windows, e.g.:
adapter = pygatt.BGAPIBackend(serial_port='COM9')
If you provide the COM port name, but still get an error such as
WindowsError(2, 'The system cannot find the file specified.')
, try
changing the COM port of the device to a value under 10, e.g. COM9
- Jeff Rowberg @jrowberg
- Greg Albrecht @ampledata
- Christopher Peplin @peplin
- Morten Kjaergaard @mkjaergaard
- Michael Saunby @msaunby
- Steven Sloboda
- Ilya Sukhanov @IlyaSukhanov
- @dcliftreaves
- Jonathan Dan
- Ilann Adjedj
- Ralph Hempel
- Rene Jacobsen
- Marcus Georgi
- Alexandre Barachant
- Michel Rivas Hernandez
- Jean Regisser
- David Martin
- Pieter Hooimeijer
For the maintainers of the project, when you want to make a release:
- Merge all of the changes into
. - Update the version in
. - Update the
- Tag the commit and push to GitHub (will need to push to a separate
branch of PR first since
is a protected branch). - Travis CI will take care of the rest - it will build and deploy tagged commits to PyPI automatically.
Copyright 2015 Stratos Inc. and Orion Labs
Apache License, Version 2.0 and MIT License. See LICENSE.