A TypeScript utility library for managing LDAP authentication and IMAP email operations with docker-mailserver. This package simplifies the integration process, providing easy-to-use functions for secure user authentication via LDAP and efficient email management through IMAP.
Works with:
For more examples check tests/ldap.integration.test.ts
const client = LDAPClientUtils.createClient({
url: 'ldap://',
bindDN: 'cn=admin,dc=mail,dc=com',
bindPassword: 'admin$',
baseDN: 'dc=mail,dc=com',
crossDomainAliases: true,
crossDomainGroups: true,
await addEmail(client, '[email protected]')
await addAlias(client, '[email protected]', '[email protected]');
A new client connection should be created for each IMAP action.
const IMAPClient = IMAPClientUtils.createClient({
host: 'localhost',
port: 143,
user: 'xxx@xxx',
password: 'xxx',
secure: false,
process_batch_size: 30,
process_between_batch_size_delay: 100,
const result: IMailResult = await searchForMessages(IMAPClient, {
messageId: '<3b90cef5-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx@xxx>', // message id
contains: 'is', // keyword to search
flag: {
name: 'answered', // flag name
value: false, // current flag value
set: true // set new flag value
1, // current page
20, // messages per page
'desc' // order by desc (newest -> oldest) or asc (oldest -> newest)
Get quota for email account
const IMAPClient = IMAPClientUtils.createClient({
host: 'localhost',
port: 143,
user: 'xxx@xxx',
password: 'xxx',
secure: false,
process_batch_size: 30,
process_between_batch_size_delay: 100,
const quota: IQuotaResult = await getQuota(IMAPClient);
Create and pass target and source IMAP clients to sync mailboxes.
await syncMailbox(
host: 'localhost',
port: 143,
user: 'xxx@xxx',
password: 'xxx',
secure: false,
process_batch_size: 30,
process_between_batch_size_delay: 100,
}), // target client
host: 'source-host',
port: 143,
user: 'source-user-xxx@xxx',
password: 'xxx',
secure: false,
process_batch_size: 30,
process_between_batch_size_delay: 100,
}, // source client
10 //How much messages to fetch at once. The bigger the number, the faster the sync, but the more memory it consumes.
It uses nodemailer
await sendMessage(
host: 'localhost',
port: 465,
user: 'xxx@xxx',
password: 'xxx',
secure: true,
process_batch_size: 30,
process_between_batch_size_delay: 100,
subject: 'Hello ✔',
text: 'Hello world?',
html: '<b>Hello world?</b>'
true // send individual emails to each recipient from the "to" array
If you want ot use CC, BCC, attachments or other options from nodemailer you could use directly the transport.
const transport = await getTransport(
host: 'localhost',
port: 465,
user: 'xxx@xxx',
password: 'xxx',
secure: true,
process_batch_size: 30,
process_between_batch_size_delay: 100,
await transporter.sendMail({...});
- Action to return DNS records for MX, DKIM, DMARC, SPF, etc ...
- Email forwarding action
- Set limit for sending emails per hour
- Fix error levels for logs (docker-mailserver, openldap and ldap & imap utils)