An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
Intersection Observer for iOS.(iOS 曝光打点控件)
基于无障碍,高级选择器,订阅规则的自定义屏幕点击 Android 应用 | An Android APP with custom screen tapping based on Accessibility, Advanced Selectors, and Subscription Rules
《机器翻译:基础与模型》肖桐 朱靖波 著 - Machine Translation: Foundations and Models
Delightful, simple library for aspect oriented programming in Objective-C and Swift.
【Deprecated】Pull to refresh in Swift, easy to use, easy to customize(下拉刷新/QQ/淘宝/优酷/雅虎天气/大众点评)
一个支持2D平面 , 3D缩放 , 上下左右方向滚动 , 有限/无限循环 轮播的轮播控件 A carousel control which support the vertical or horizontal scrolling direction, finite / infinite loop carousel , with both 2D plane effect or 3D zoom …
a simple and usefull cycle pager view ,and auto scroll banner view(轮播图) ,include pageControl for iOS,support Objective-C and swift
🦄 Swift server open source projects based on the Swift 4.1 and Vapor 3 frameworks. (Swift 服务端开源项目)
MyLayout is a powerful iOS UI framework implemented by Objective-C. It integrates the functions with Android Layout,iOS AutoLayout,SizeClass, HTML CSS float and flexbox and bootstrap. So you can us…
Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
Paged scrollview allowing easily applying animation
仿Tumblr点赞动画效果 (心放大,心破碎效果)iOS开发者交流群:446310206
🔥The screen opening advertising solutions - 开屏广告、启动广告解决方案-支持静态/动态图片广告,mp4视频广告,全屏/半屏广告、兼容iPhone/iPad. 【 Github下载不了/下载慢 可以访问国内下载地址:】
PageController, including normal style, including sticky, tableview in tableview